Back in 1980, Lord and Taylor's Chairman, Joseph E. Brooks, started a long standing tradition that continues on today. The store plays the National Anthem each and every day at 10:00 am before the doors open for business. All employees stop what they are doing, stand still, there is no talking, while the Star Spangled Banner, an orchestral recording, is aired.
Lord and Taylor's also have a tradition of putting out chairs for those early customers who are waiting for the store doors to open. The music can be heard out there, and many customers will stand, some with their hands over their heart. On occasion they will also sing along with the music.
The hostage crisis began November 2, 1979, Walter Cronkite, anchor for CBS Evening News, counted off the days of captivity and in 1980 Joseph E. Brooks began a tradition. Quite possibly the longest standing tradition of its kind, Brooks felt that this country was still the greatest in the world.
Nearly 30 years later, this tradition continues on uninterrupted. One man's personal sense of patriotism and love of country still flourishes!
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