What happens when you hand a bunch of young Army Veterans the reins of a company? Generous Success without a lot of concern for political correctness. Let's face it: Our Soldiers have seen the base of humanity, adversity, and efficiency (some may disagree with that until they are in the Corporate world). They come out of that with a "Can-Do" attitude and not too much of a care for whiners and criers complaining of entitlements for breathing but great respect for those that have risked all, overcome most and proudly born the scars of the struggle.
As I mention often here, Our Troops & Veterans are the most Generous Members of our Society and it is with great pride that I have linked up with a Veteran Owned Business that is again putting their money where their mouth is: Ranger Up! http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-50863389838911+jyCugB+index.html+waronterror
From the first email with Nick, I've felt at ease as I continue to work out the details to achieve their advertisement on this page.
I'd happily put their advertisements up simply for my own selfish desires to look at them, and must admit that's why I visit www.Blackfive.net but we worked out a more beneficial deal: You get a 10% discount when you order from my page. Somewhere between 10-100% of any commissions earned by your purchases here then go towards one of five Non-Profits that Support Our Troops, including the Wounded Warrior Project. ((Note: 100% of June proceeds are pledged to the Semper Fi Fund which is similar in Nature and spotlighted elsewhere here.))
And then, as I perused his site seaching for the magic key to get the ad up here, I found this: http://yhst-50863389838911.stores.yahoo.net/operationgrim.html Operation GRIM. A Nobler Cause is difficult to find. The "Sophomoric" Men over at Ranger Up! have come up with a plan to combine some of My Favorite things in life, but they need a little help to get the plan implemented. They need you to write an email or two, even copy the one they already wrote (they write better than me and better than Kerry would approve of) to the Editors of Maxim Magazine:
Here's a quote:
1) Send an email to Maxim at [email protected] and let them know we need their help. A personalized letter is best, but you can simply paste the form letter below:
Dear Sir or Madame,
I am writing to inform you that we in themilitaryworld community are strongly urging you to support OPERATION GRIM and PUT GRACE IN MAXIM in order to raise money for the Wounded Warrior Project which supports badly wounded soldiers from the international war on terror. We are not asking for charity – we are asking you to put a gorgeous girl and an undefeated MMA fighter and Iraqi vet in your magazine in order to support a tremendous cause. As you are receiving this, millions of active duty, reserve, national guard, and veterans of the Armed Forces are awaiting your decision. You can read the whole story at: http://www.rangerup.com/operationgrim.html.
Thank you for your consideration.
YOUR NAME (for the love of all that is holy, actually put your name here!)
Why would you take the five seconds to drop Maxim Magazine a letter of encouragement? Because RangerUp! has pledged to give 100% of the proceeds of their new Operation GRIM T-shirts to the Wounded Warrior Project. They aren't keeping a dime of profits for hidden fees as many do. Because Putting Grace in Maxim will give Wounded Warriors some more of the Attention it deserves. Because I asked you to. Because Nick asked you to. Because BlackFive.net asked you to. Because Our Troops and Our Veterans continue to give back to the Community. Because Grace puts up with the "Sophomoric" antics of the Guys at RangerUp! and gives back to the Community and loves our Troops. (Be sure to read the interview over there.) Because it takes you less time to copy and paste that email (including you changing the signature line) than to pour a cup of coffee and it is the least you can do for our Wounded Warriors. Don't just whine about the VA, DO something meaningful to overcome the bureacracy.
We have yet to do a full blown article about Wounded Warriors, though we too are pledged to their Support. They fill the holes in the needs of our Warriors who took great risk, and our Wounded Warriors are the ones that bear the scars of those risks, for YOUR safety and freedom. So for less than a minute of your time, you can help a great Veteran Owned Company achieve its goals of Community Service and National Recognition of a Non-Profit that fills a Great Need of our Great Troops.
But take it a step further, visit the site http://store.yahoo.com/cgi-bin/clink?yhst-50863389838911+jyCugB+index.html+waronterror and buy an Operation GRIM T-Shirt. (It's the least you can do for bringing Grace to you.) And then drop by Wounded Warriors http://www.woundedwarriors.org/ and give them a bit more if you can. But even if you don't have anything to give and even if you don't want the T-Shirt, drop Maxim an email or two encouraging them to put Grace and the RangerUp! team in their Magazine so that their young readers will have the opportunity to give to the Wounded Warriors and will someone please drop this email to O'Reilly, Hannity and any other News Media that might get the word out about Veterans caring for Our Wounded Warriors?