What is Soldiers’ Angels? It is a support group for our military. It is huge. Like many other worthy organizations, it started as an effort by one person, a mom, who wanted to send letters and packages to her newly deployed son. When the word came back to Patti that there were many in her son’s group that never received mail, her effort’s spread outward to others and quickly grew into the group known today as Soldiers’ Angels. It is an all volunteer charity organization, made up of people like myself. People who needed a way to tell our troops that we are supporting them, and by supporting them, we support the mission!
What kind of support is available through Soldiers’ Angels? Weekly letters, monthly care packages, blankets for our wounded as they travel from the Iraq, Afghanistan and other countries to our hospitals in Germany and the US, GASP (Guardian Angels for Soldier’s Pets), backpacks filled with necessary supplies for our wounded in Germany, support for Fisher Houses, VA hospitals, Chaplain support, Humanitarian support for the children in Iraq, Afghanistan thru our soldiers. Be sure to check out Soldiers’ Angels after you read about our Founder, Patti Patton-Bader.
" Soldiers’ Angels founder Patti Patton-Bader was named “America’s Favorite Mom” in a primetime television show Sunday night on NBC. Sponsored by Teleflora and hosted by Donny and Marie Osmond, the show highlighted fifteen outstanding mothers who had distinguished themselves in categories ranging from Working Moms to Military Moms and “Non-Mom” Moms.
Humbled by the honor, Patti is thrilled to be able to use it to continue the Soldiers’ Angels mission of “May No Soldier Go Unloved.” As the grand prize winner, she will receive $250,000, a set of household appliances, and other valuable items. Patti hopes to apply the winnings to her plans for a small ranch that will allow newly returned soldiers to relax with their families after deployments.
“I really am lucky to know so many heroes in my life,” said Patti, who herself has two sons in the Army, one currently deployed to Iraq. “Whether they are the troops who serve our country or the amazing mothers here on this America’s Favorite Mom program, I am honored to be in the presence of such inspirational people and also am humbled to know that America thinks the same of me.” "
After reading this, please don’t be fooled into thinking Soldiers’ Angel’s doesn’t need your support. As I sat down to write about Patti winning the award, I noticed there are currently 904 soldiers, sailors, airmen and Marines waiting to be adopted. You can’t buy a letter from home! So no matter how much money is awarded or donated to Soldiers’ Angel’s, someone still needs to put pen to paper, fingers to the keyboard and write that letter, card or email to one of America’s Finest! As our men and women return from a deployment most angels turn around and adopt another service member. Once you have gotten used to sending out mail and a special something each month, it is a hard habit to break.
Don’t just give lip service to the idea of “I Support Our Military” put some action behind those words, behind the magnet on your car!! Our men and women in the Armed Forces have stood between terrorists and this country, your family, and your loved ones, to protect our precious freedoms. You have heard it before, some gave all and all gave some? Yes they have and continue to do so! Remember folks, today we have an ALL volunteer military! They CHOSE to wear that uniform with pride! No draft, no mandatory service, and the numbers keep on swelling!
They ARE what makes this country great! They are what KEEPS our flag flying proudly and freely over the finest country in the world! Don’t you ever forget it!!!!!
Take the time to show them how great their country is and give them the support they deserve, for a job well done! Soldiers' Angel's, I, for one, am proud to say I am an American and a member of Soldiers’ Angels. By the way, the number waiting to be adopted is down to 882; let’s get it down to less than a dozen!! Ms. Marti
Copyright 2008 MsMarti. All rights reserved.