This article has a real personal connection in it for me, so you will have to pardon my ramblings. I only hope the Marine I am writing about will do likewise. One thing I have come to realize about the military, those guys and gals can say a lot in a few words. That is not my strong suit.
Let me introduce to you a Marine who I am honored and proud to call my friend. He is MSgt Jonathan R. White. This man has done more to boost my education concerning OIF and OEF through suggested reading material, and discussions we have had as he moves around with his work. He has been in the Corps over 20 years, is fiercely loyal, highly competitive, and one of the finest gentlemen I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. He has the best sense of humor as long as you don’t mess with his God, family or country, then all bets are off! Perhaps his only fault would be his choice of a favorite NFL team.
We met by way of a postcard. He thanked me for a postcard I had sent which he received during a deployment. I noticed there was a return address on the postcard he sent me, and wrote him a letter of thanks back in 2006. We have been in contact ever since, sometimes multiple times a day, sometimes nothing for weeks. That is the way with friends and the military, as I have come to realize.
A few weeks ago, I received an email from Jon, and was quite surprised! No, I was shocked at the contents of it. I should have known better, as Jon is one determined young man and when he sets his mind to do something, he gets it done. Period! I have had personal experience with that determination! Remember the “suggested” reading material? I have found many a book in my mail box from him.
Let me share that email with you:
The link above is my link for this year's USMC Marathon. I am running
with my wife for "TEAM SEMPER FI". This organization assists wounded
warriors that return from combat and have to deal with a new life
brought on by their injuries sustained in combat. I am trying to earn
$5000.00 for the TSF fund. ALL of this money will be donated to the
returning wounded warriors to assist with a plethora of needs. Do you
think that this is something SA would allow to post on their site?Semper Fidelis,
MSgt Jonathan R. White
Marine Forces Europe G-6 “
DSN: 314-431-2496
SIPR: [email protected]What is the big deal about running a marathon, many people do it every year. Read here about the injury Jon sustained in a routine training jump back in 2003, and then tell me it is no big deal about this Marine running a marathon this October.
I have known Jon for nearly 2 years now, and during that entire time, Jon has never, EVER asked for anything for himself. Oh sure there have been requests over that time, but they have always been for others!!!! Would you mind entering some of my men into the Soldiers' Angel's system so they can receive mail and packages while they are deployed, that is the biggest request of all. Peanuts is what that request amounts to in my mind!
So I write this article, in the hopes that 2 things will occur after you have read Jon’s story.
My first request is that you find it in your heart to donate to his fundraiser. There is no finer cause then to help those who have fought for our freedoms!
The second request is that you spread the word about his fundraiser for such a fine charity, the Injured Marine Semper Fi Fund. This one happens to touch my heart. Any amount will help him towards his goal. If you wish to mail a check in, contact me and I will give you the address.
I have wondered why he decided to run a full marathon and how he talked his wife into running with him. When does he find the time to train? Has he ever run a full marathon before? What about his wife? Has she ever done this before? Not all runners do. Does he have to modify his training program in light of his back injury? Hmmm, I guess I will have to write more on this subject later. It looks like an interview with Jon is next on my “to do” list!
Thank You!
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