One Month after the Call for Support went out, the Marines of Lima 3/6 are being bombarded with Support (Military Mail is slow). They have officially expressed their gratitude for YOUR Support in a Press Release:
While they are attempting to send Individual letters of gratitude, they recognize that they will likely miss some that responded in their time of need. Thank You. They are making good use of all Support. That which exceeds what the can use themselves, they are handing over to their fellow Marines.
Mission Accomplished! The Marines of 2nd Marine Division, Lima 3/6 have been re-supplied due to the efforts of MANY members of the Online Support Community. Please read on, with that in mind.
MAJ Gilmore is a confirmed member of the USMC, and he has requested we cease the Fire Relief Effort at this time. As you'll see, the support these Marines has received has been "overwhelming." The Marine Press Release about the event is reposted here:
I would liketo say the sincerest "Thank you" to all that have contributed: This is a partial list:
Where did the financial contributions go:
But before we declare a total victory, please remember that there are still many needs for our veterans, as well as current servicemen and women, that have not been met. If anyone who wanted to contribute to the Fire Relief Effort missed the chance, rest assured you can still provide critically needed support to other military causes and organizations. If you are holding on to the generous thoughts of support as requested in a prior update, please consider donating to one of the other projects mentioned below:
The Semper Fi Fund, which supports injured Marines and their families. Although the Major from the fire-effected Marine group below cannot make specific recommendations, I'm sure he'd appreciate other support for his fellow Marines. More info about this fund can be found on the page "Overcoming Adversity."
Additionally the Fisher House is a very worthy cause building houses near VA hospitals to provide free housing to family members of troops who have been hospitalized due to injuries or surgery. They also house veterans who hae to drive long distances to seek medical attention. They desperately need funds to continue to build more of these homes. For more info, please go to (My pet project is the Middle Tennesse Fisher House Project - Murfreesboro).
Soldiers' Angels have helped tremendously in this effort and many others, so I have to issue a special "thank you" to them. This organization sends care packages and letters of support to troops in the field. Please see if you'd like to help.
The USO has been helping the Military for decades, and they do alot more than just send celebrities to entertain the troops. If you'd like to see what other types of support they provide and get involved, please go to
The Wounded Warriors Project fills a hole the military cannot. They support wounded troops in all branches of the military with rehailitation and other critical needs while they are hospitalized and after. You can read about the great work they are doing at
This list is by no means all inclusive. For more ideas of how to help Support Our Troops, see the list in the Letter of Gratitude for all that helped in this endeavor, as well as the link on this site to Support Our Troops - Actively:
And don't forget these fine organizations: |
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More to come soon! If by chance we find out that the Marines who lost possessions in the fire have not had all needs fulfilled, I will update that information on here. Response to those may determine whether we can transfer to the new article or that we must continue to update this one.
Specific Needs (Most recent and to be updated): (Last List Update: 30 JUN 2008) (+ 0930 01 July 2008 Thank you link added at the bottom)
Running Shoes (Sizes 9-12) with the most common size being 10 1/2
High End Value Losses that cannot be replaced by the Military:
Memory Cards
Flash Drives
Diversion Activities including reading material (there is generally an abundance of romance novels gathering dust and a shortage of manly books, including those listed to the right side of this page).
If you can send an IPod preloaded with music, that is even better!
IF You are a member of a group that can accumulate cash to buy the above as a group, these items are likely to NOT have been addressed.
Needs Not addressed:
Shower Shoes (aka flip-flops)
Zip Lock Bags
Fulfilled NEEDS as per pledges:
Probably Fulfilled Needs (but not pledged):
Basic Toiletries
Sun Block
Additionally, I have received $345.00 in donations through the button on the upper right of this page. These aren't tax deductible. They will all be applied to this effort as I must presume that was the cause for the donations. I still have to figure out the methods of paypal as I hadn't addressed that previously. These funds will be applied to the best use of this effort that is least applied that I can find. The FSG cannot accept the cash as later explained.
I promised an updated list by 11:59Pm tonight (29Jun2008) and cannot yet deliver. Please be patient, as the Marines that will make this list are very busy with the recovery from the Fire.
Many Organizations & Individuals have come together in this effort and I would like to thank each of you who has already sent relief to these Marines in their time of adversity. To those of you who still want to help but who have not yet given money, sent a package, or made a pledge, I ask that you exhibit both patience and perserverance in this matter. Yes, we want to get them the help they need NOW, but we still have to figure out what they need and what is already on the way. We need to slow our roll enough to realize that we have probably solved the toothbrush issue but are a long way from the IPods and Laptops lost. I will update this list as often as I receive new information about the needs still remaining. Please check back on this site often for such updates.
Additionally, there is the issue of cash donations. For regulatory reasons, the Family Support Group cannot accept cash, including the monies already donated here. I am NOT a non-profit, so I can accept cash. Yet I need to reiterate that cash donations made here are NOT tax deductible. I pledge to convert all cash donated (currently $295) to this effort to purchase those items not covered in pledges and received needs once we have a firm grip on what IS en route. This is NOT a plea for donations. Yet for those of you who still wish to donate money, you can do that here, assured that it will be used to help these Marines.
Just to be clear, the $295 does not include purchases from the advertisers on this site, as that has already been pledged (100%+) to the Semper Fi Fund, as stated on the page "Overcoming Adversity." Anyone interested in the Semper Fi Fund can find more information on that page. However, ALL donations made through the "Donations Appreciated" link in the top right hand corner of this page will be used for the Marines affected by the fire.
So to all of those who still want to help: Hold that generous thought. Let's make sure we are getting the right things to those that need them, but let's pause for just a moment so we can take stock of all the items already en route. We'll have a new list of needs for you soon.

Just got off the phone with a friend who's son is in this unit. The letter is from a member of the support group for these Marines. The letter and pictures speak for themselves. Please my friends, anything you can do would be great. Please, repost this anywhere you can. Get the word out. Let's help these Jarheads out.
Post from 3/6 Support Group:
Ok Dear Family and Friends,
Hope this finds everyone doing good. I am writing to you all on behave of Lima company. They had a fire yesterday and it burned the whole camp down they lost everything they owned. Ryan has emailed me asking me to contact everyone to get you guys to help out.
They really need ASAP: socks, pt short, green t-shirts (military) disposable razors,. Most of these Marines only have now the cloths on their backs. I reallyl need to get the basics sent now, they are working on their personal stuff which was lost. Computers, IPODS, pictures etc. Ryan was very fortunate not to lose a thing. Half of Ryan's platoon lost everything.
These are the counts so far, but clean up is still underway. A total of 50 Marines lost everything and about 30 Marines lost half of their stuff. These men need us more now then ever. If you could please help. I can't do this alone. He did say that half these guys have no family support. He couldn't give me names said to send it all to him and he will get them out. Please if you can help please do. The pt shorts and green tshirts can be bought at Camp Lejeune PX military shop so if you would to help with those, you can send me the money and I will buy them and ship them. the shorts cost 10.00 a pair and a pack of 3 t-shirts are 12.00 not cheap i know, but anything can and will help. thank you so much
for this...
Coordinating Efforts to direct to the needs of the Unit to follow. Please pledge type of items to be sent for this purpose, either in comments or by email.
I am currently in contact with the Family Support Group and their designated POC for this effort.
Send Care Packages to:
"Fire Relief Effort"
3rd Battalion, 6th Marines
Camp Lejeune, NC 28542
It was asked earlier if there was a paypal account available for donations. To date, the answer was no. I have just received confirmation that the "Donations Accepted" button is in fact working correctly (Thank you Jan). Any donations made through that will be transferred to an appropriate method to help out these Marines. Be advised, that is not a tax-deductible method as I am not a non-profit. If it can the organization through which these monies are transferred can provide a receipt making it tax deductible, that will be provided to you but I cannot guarantee it.
MarineTillDeath©2007-2008, MTD, all rights reserved. Advance Permission granted to republish this article in its entirety. Please get this out far and wide to all that can and will assist these Marines in their time of need as they help secure Our Nation as well as the freedoms and democracy of Iraq.
The following groups have provided support and there will be a formal article thanking all at a later time. This is a partial list:
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