According to Boise State Research it takes an average 6’0 man running a 10 minute mile 1548 steps to run a mile. 287 more if he runs a 12 minute mile and 287 less if he runs an 8 minute mile. But with a 10 minute mile (and if I were running 26.2 miles, I’d be running a slow pace) that would be somewhere around 40,558 steps in a Marathon. I probably take 2100 steps on an APFT.
In his quest to achieve full recovery while doing for others, one Marine is training for a Marathon. His goal is to earn 12.3 cents per step for the Semper Fi Fund. My loftier goal is to help him earn 64.6 cents a mile. What would that take? It would take 1,000 people donating $1.00 a mile that he’ll run on that test of endurance. That’s $26.20 each; Less than a carton of cigarettes, less than a case and a half of beer, less than a tank of gas.
It doesn’t calculate in the miles he’ll run preparing for the big day. It doesn’t calculate in the value of that first step he took in recovery. He isn’t getting a dime of the donations. He’s asking for nothing for himself. Like a true NCO, he’s asking you to help his Marines. Marines he hasn’t met. Marines he has. Marines that have been wounded in Service to this Nation. Marines that have been injured defending YOUR freedoms and bringing Security to the World, most notably in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Recovery? Yes, it was not too long ago that the Doctors thought he would never walk again. But he is a Marine. "The difficult we do right away. The impossible may take a day or two." He refused to be confined to a wheelchair. He fought to get out of it as hard as he would fight those that would do this Nation harm. And he has been successful. He’s running now in preparation for the Marathon.
On 23 July 2003, a Military Parachuting accident caused a spinal injury but with the work of CMDR Robert Rosenbaum and a LOT of hard work, he overcame the adversity presented him.
But what of me up here on my bully pulpit preaching Support of Our Troops and asking YOU to give to a worthy cause? Well, to be honest I’m a bit disappointed in my results so far. Since my first call to action, there has been only $275 added to the contributions. But we have put our money where our mouth is. All proceeds earned from advertising on this page during the month of June is pledged to this effort.
That means if you buy from either WOTN Store-1 WOTN Store-2, if you buy a Kindle here that’ll add more to his efforts, Anything you buy from the links on this page (right side) including tools, flowers, appliances, lights and office products, will also contribute to his goals for the Semper Fi Fund.
So do a little something for the troops. Please donate $26.20, one dollar a mile, to Semper Fi Fund. Perhaps, you can afford $2/mile, $52.40 or $4/mile, $104.80 but surely you can afford $26.20. It’ll go further that way than if you buy something, though buying something will also help. And who knows, if you buy your wife/girlfriend some FTD flowers, it might just get you out of trouble too!
Team Semper Fi and the Semper Fi Fund
War on Terror News©2008, ARM, all rights reserved.