During the Cold War, our Enemy developed an entire directorate of the KGB to conduct Misinformation operations. The World had learned during World War II how important not only accurate Intelligence was but also how effective it was to provide the enemy with seemingly accurate but patently false intelligence was.
Stalin executed people who provided him accurate information concerning a Nazi invasion because he was convinced by the misinformation. D-Day was successful in part because Hitler was convinced by a very effective plan that convinced him that it would occur elsewhere. When it became apparent that Germany would lose, their Army concentrated their forces on holding off the Soviets long enough to allow American Victory on the western front. Why?
The Germans knew that the Soviets would oppress their Nation while America & Britain would deal fairly with the defeated Nation. Even in a loss, they sought the best for their Nation and people. But with Victory in a hot war came the onset of a long "Cold War" with a former ally turned foe.
For decades to come, Communism spread on rally cries of "Power to the People," while the blood of the people was shed to create absolute tyranny over the people that provided the power to the tyrants.
But there is a key component to winning on the battlefield no matter the morality of the struggle: the will of the people to continue the high cost of battle. If the will of the people considers the struggle unworthy of the cost, they will not support the struggle. The Disinformation Directorate of the KGB was established to erode the will of people of those opposing tyranny while building support of the will of the people to support Communism.
It developed and supported movements within the United States to erode the will of the people to oppose it's expansion globally. It needed only a few people willing to commit to its cause and spread its specious slogans. The bulk of these forces were normal Americans who were as opposed to Communist tyranny as those willing to sacrifice all to oppose it, but that had bought the specious slogans undermining the fact that "the only thing necessary for evil to reign is for good men to do nothing."
No one likes war, particularly not those who fight wars: Troops. But war is sometimes necessary. Wars will happen no matter if good people deem it necessary or if they deem it perpetually evil. In some wars, such as was the case in the war against Nazi Germany, wars are fought between honorable Soldiers but one side of which was ruled by an evil tyrant. Today's enemies are not honorable, nor are their leaders, which makes the necessity greater, not less.
Our Troops today are the most honorable, best trained and most effective Military ever to set foot on the battlefield. They are fighting a concentration of one of the most evil, vile, tyrannical designed enemies we have ever faced. Our Troops risk their own life and limb to protect civilians while our enemy purposely kill and torture civilians, most notably women and children.
On 9/12/2001, it would have seemed incomprehensible that a disinformation campaign against our Actions could have any effect at all or that even our old foe the Communists would take it upon themselves. It seemed we were united as a Nation, finally, against a belatedly recognized threat that had continued to attack us until they could no longer be ignored.
But neither communism nor islamism can stand alone against freedom and democracy nor Our Troops. As seemingly opposed as communism appears to be to islamism, it is not. They share a desire for absolute power and tyranical rule. They recognize that the greatest threat to their tyranny is for their people to see the successful economic freedom of those like them just across their borders and around the world.
And hence we find the same leadership that has opposed the Cold War fight against Communism leading the opposition to a Hot War against terrorism and Islamism. We find the same people leading the propaganda against our Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan that for decades have fought the training of Latin American military leaders in Human Rights and Military Tactics at Fort Benning.
We find that we are enticed today by the specious slogans of "no more war," "make love not war," and "free healthcare" paid for by higher taxes on those "evil" rich people to erode the support of the American people for the Mission of our Honorable Troops against a truly evil enemy.
"Freedom is not Free." It is paid for in blood and it must be defended from tyrants and terrorists as well as politicians that attempt to erode it.
The fact that the deeds reported on this website and so many others like it goes unreported by our media should raise suspicion. The fact that those openly hostile to Victory on the battlefield so quickly report every loss on the battlefield should be noted and questioned to motivation. We will find that much of the journalistic world is subjectively supporting a party while being led unknowingly into erosion of the very freedoms they enjoy, but that others are more actively engaged in spreading the propaganda of the enemy, i.e. the erosion of support of the people for opposition to the enemy.
The next time you read a news article that tells you the latest loss of an American Soldier, check here for how many American Victories, how many enemy losses that same article refused to report. And ask yourself how your own support for the Mission would be effected by the knowledge that Our Troops are winning and how much they are sacrificing for your freedom, your success, your comfort, and the freedoms of others, given only what the mainstream media is reporting. Ask yourself why the press continues to report only the negatives, only those things that would negatively effect your opinion of the Troops and their Mission.
Ask the media why they refuse to report of the Generosity of Our Troops, the Losses of our Enemy, and the Victories of Our Troops.
And then expose yourself to the truth, the facts, and the opinions of sites developed by Our Troops, Our Veterans, and those that have risked all and sacrificed much to keep you safe. Those that continue to devote years of their lives and entire lives by re-enlisting to take those risks for your freedoms. Sites like this one, like Bouhammers, like Vets4Victory, and like this one: http://pricewepay.net/patriots/ from a Cold War Veteran that fought two hot wars against Communism: one hot and one openly contested here at home.
Demand that the newsmedia return to Objectively and Truthfully support the freedoms they enjoy above the party they endorse. And remind them that their subscriptions will continue to decline, along with their advertising dollars, if they continue to be the propaganda tool of the parties to which they subscribe and the enemies we fight.
War on Terror News©2007-2008, ARM, all rights reserved.