Commentary by Col. Dave Blanks
455th Expeditionary Maintenance Group commander
11/28/2008 - BAGRAM AIR FIELD, Afghanistan -- As
we begin another holiday season, like many of you, I'm going to miss
being with my family. But I have to tell you, short of spending the
season with them, there is no other group I'd rather spend Thanksgiving
and the holidays with than you - the members of our deployed Air Force
This time of year, I make a special effort to reflect on the things I'm thankful for, and thought I'd share those with you all.
First, I'm thankful and proud to be serving in a nation not afraid to
stand up to terrorism and tyranny - or anything which threatens the
freedom we treasure. And as a result, also give the good people of
Afghanistan a chance to know peace and freedom, something many have not
experienced in their lifetime.
I'm thankful for the strength of our families - parents, children,
spouses - many of whom are doing double duty and more at home. They're
often overlooked as they bear the burden of being both mothers and
fathers in the absence of one parent, while holding down jobs and doing
whatever it takes to keep things going at home while we're here taking
care of our nation's business.
And, I'm very thankful to be from a nation where the vast majority of
the people recognize and appreciate the contribution and sacrifices
made by military members and their families. We don't have to look back
very far in our nation's history to find a very different situation.
Finally, I'm thankful for the dedication and professionalism of the
young men and women we're deployed with here at Bagram. They amaze me
every day, as they make the mission happen, no matter the
circumstances. I met one such Airman on the flight line in Sept. during
one of his first nights deployed. Despite the fact he told me he was
'okay', I could tell something was wrong. Seems he had his wisdom teeth
removed shortly before he left home to clear himself to be able to
deploy, and there were some painful complications afterwards. He could
have used this as a viable reason not to deploy. Instead, he chose not
to mention it to anyone for fear they would take him off of the
deployment. That kind of dedication is inspirational, and I know there
are countless similar examples across the base.
I signed up 23 years ago to serve, but it's 'the people' who are the
reason I'm still around. I believe messages from two stories based on
real events capture the thought very well. Lt. Col. Hal Moore near the
end of "We Were Soldiers" says, "In the end, we fought for each other."
And, a similar message is heard in some of the final words spoken at
the end of "Black Hawk Down" when the Delta soldier explains why he
does what he does; "It's about the man next to you, that's all that it
So, although I'll miss my family, I'm extremely thankful this season to
have a meaningful profession that brings with it the opportunity to
work beside the finest men and women our nation has to offer. In
closing, I'd ask you to do two things. First, take a few moments to
reflect on the things you're thankful for. And, commit to making this
season special for those around you...whether it's with a smile, a
handshake, a kind word, or a special deed.