An Air Force B-1B Lancer flies a mission over Afghanistan. The B-1B can rapidly deliver massive quantities of precision and non-precision weapons against any adversary, anywhere in the world, at any time. (U.S. Air Force photo/Lance Cheung)
March 25 airpower summary: B-1B protects coalition forces
3/27/2009 - SOUTHWEST ASIA (AFNS) -- Coalition
airpower integrated with coalition ground forces in Iraq and the
International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan during
operations March 25, according to Combined Air and Space Operations
Center officials here.
In Afghanistan, an Air Force B-1B Lancer dropped guided bomb unit-38s
against anti-Afghan firing positions after enemy forces engaged
coalition ground troops. The strike, near Tarin Kowt, impacted the
target and ended enemy hostile fire. A coalition aircraft also
performed a show of force in the area to deter additional enemy
An Air Force F-15E Strike Eagle flew a show of force near Orgun in
order to allow a coalition convoy under heavy enemy fire to break
contact and withdraw. Enemy troops had poured on mortar and assault
weapons fire at the convoy's vehicles but ceased fire to avoid being
targeted after the aircraft arrived on scene.
A Navy F/A-18C Hornet and an Air Force A-10 Thunderbolt II executed
shows of force near Garmser and Tigari respectively as deterrent to
enemy attack on friendly convoys. The aircraft provided a strong
additional level of security to prevent interference with delivery of
humanitarian and reconstruction supplies to Afghan residents.
Joint terminal attack controllers assigned to coalition units verified the success of these missions.
In total, 79 close-air-support missions were flown in support of the
ISAF and Afghan security forces, reconstruction activities and route
Sixteen Air Force intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance
aircraft flew missions as part of operations in Afghanistan. In
addition, four Navy and coalition aircraft performed tactical
In Iraq, Air Force F-16 Fighting Falcons flying near Ba'qubah provided
cover for Iraqi and coalition security forces' operations, responding
to an insurgent attack against friendly troops with several strikes.
The aircraft employed GBU-38s and multiple cannon strafes against enemy
targets, which included armed gunmen, insurgent vehicles, and enemy
Coalition aircraft flew 25 close-air-support missions for Operation
Iraqi Freedom. These missions integrated and synchronized with
coalition ground forces, protected key infrastructure, provided
overwatch for reconstruction activities, and helped to deter and
disrupt hostile activities.
Twenty-five Air Force and Navy ISR aircraft flew missions as part of
operations in Iraq. In addition, two Air Force aircraft performed
tactical reconnaissance.
Air Force C-130 Hercules aircraft and C-17 Globemaster IIIs provided
intra-theater heavy airlift, helping to sustain operations throughout
Afghanistan, Iraq and the Horn of Africa.
Approximately 150 airlift sorties were flown, 625 tons of cargo were delivered and about 3,500 passengers were transported.
Coalition C-130 crews flew as part of operations in Afghanistan or Iraq.
On March 24, Air Force tankers flew 44 sorties and off-loaded
approximately 2.3 million pounds of fuel to 166 receiving aircraft.