by WOTN Editor
There are multiple excuses used for banning the generous actions of individual troops. In a report from Iraq, the excuse for a ban on throwing candy from a moving vehicle was that it "endangered kids." In a report on a complete ban of handing out toys, the excuse was that the recipients and their families were targeted by the Taliban. These are excuses for a lack of deliberate planning to overcome a specific challenge.
As my role in convoys had been often the designated candy/pencil thrower, I can tell you it is very easy to do this safely. Kids always lined the sides of the streets and candy was never thrown into the street. For More on throwing candy and pencils, see "Dust Devils Spawned of Candy Sins"
The total ban on toys is however the biggest play into the hands of the enemy I think I've seen yet. This one simply astounds me. No one wants their gift to be used by the atrocious as a means of targeting, but banning the sharing of smiling hearts of Afghan kids and American Troops is not the right answer. This simple act of kindness is one of the highlights of an American Soldier's time in some of the worst conditions known to man. See Beanies for Baghdad by MsMarti for the effects and how you can help.
The excuse rests on this targeting of Afghan Children by the Taliban and it is at the very heart of the difference between US Troops and the enemy we fight. We give kids toys which brings a smile to a kid's face, a Soldier's face, and the parents of the kids. Supposedly, the Taliban then rides in and slaughters this happy family for having received the toys and the smiles from Americans.
The Taliban knows as well as anyone that parents' hearts and minds are warmed by this act that brings happiness to their child. Word spreads of the generosity across the village and the tribe. People begin to realize that Americans aren't so bad as they've been told. Contrast that to the enemy that then kills Afghans for having the audacity to smile and embrace the happiness of their kids.
Deliberate Planning on this one would have determined the knee jerk response was backwards and counter-productive. It would demonstrated that increased cooperation with locals to secure their own safety was needed to overcome the threat. It would have demonstrated that the proper response was not an end to the smiles of kids but a plan to eradicate those that would harm kids.
The Taliban, like other tyrant wannabes, attempt to win the Counter-COIN match with fear. It is a short term strategy that banks on the perception that the government cannot prevent their atrocities. US COIN strategy is long term and rests on building the trust of the people, turning against those that inflict fear on them. This example is one which plays directly into the enemy's tactic of preventing ours.
And for the Troops that benefit from the act of giving, it is one that annoys me more than most knee jerk reactions.
Part 1: Playing Into the Hand of the Enemy
And it is not only in the information arena that we are now playing into the hands of the enemy.
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