08.28.2009 AL ASAD AIR BASE, Iraq - Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 24 recently completed the expansion and upgrade of an entry control point on the base. This was the largest and most diverse project that NMCB 24 had been tasked with for their current deployment to Al Anbar province, Iraq. The entire project was valued at approximately $22 million, and required the cooperation of the 1st Battalion, 8th Marine Regiment, Al Asad's Base Command Group, 347th Army engineers and the II Marine Expeditionary Force (Forward) communications and engineers sections.
The project started in May 2009, and was a joint effort by many of the units stationed aboard the base. The ultimate goal was to take the incomplete ECP and make it functional and effective, thus increasing the ability to maintain proper security and force protection for all personnel, both military and civilian, residing aboard Al Asad Air Base.
Petty Officer 1st Class, Joseph Capozzi, a NMCB 24 builder, was the onsite project supervisor and one of the lead planners from Charlie Company. He worked closely with all of the units involved, including the management of more than 50 personnel from all of the battalion's companies.
Petty Officer Robert Knox, builder chief, NMCB 24 Charlie Company Operations chief, commented on Capozzi and the team's performance and stated, "By working closely with everyone involved and [through their] exceptional managerial skills, dedication, and hard work, the project was completed ten days ahead of schedule and well within the time limits set. They also ensured that this large-scale, high-profile project was completed flawlessly."
The initial phase of the project was completed by NMCB 24's Headquarters Company Engineering Aides and Operations Department. The area surrounding the ECP was surveyed and plans were designed to most effectively modify the existing roadways, parking area, logistical staging area and previously completed structures onsite to suit the force protection requirements set by the 1/8 Marines.
After the completion of the initial planning and surveying, Alfa Company proceeded with the required horizontal construction. The crew utilized a full range of Civil Engineering Support Equipment to modify existing traffic-flow infrastructure in and out of the base, as well as cutting new roads and parking areas.
During horizontal construction, Alfa graded more than 341,000 square feet of roadways and parking areas. The process also included the excavation and hauling of almost 2,400 cubic yards of fill dirt. For security of the area, Alfa used a crane to set more than 400 various barriers and walls, covering a distance of approximately 6,000 feet. Lastly, they trenched 9,400 linear feet of ground for Bravo Company and adjacent units to install utility and power cables.
The construction electricians and utilitiesmen from Bravo Company worked effectively with the BCG and Communications Departments to upgrade and install interior and exterior lighting, air conditioning units and electrical panels. They also troubleshot, repaired and installed the necessary equipment to properly operate the traffic control and force protection equipment. In conjunction with Bravo Company, the Army engineers installed the main power distribution system, allowing the Seabees to power the buildings and components they installed.
Personnel from Charlie Company built armored tactical crow's nests at Camp RJ's pre-fabrication yard on Al Asad Air Base, and worked with Alfa Company to transport and install them at the ECP. They also refurbished several previously constructed buildings on the site, and created new office spaces utilizing large metal containers.
Overall, the projects required more than 1,300 man-days from the Seabees over the course of four months. The BCG provided many of the materials necessary for the mission, and the 1/8 Marines diligently maintained security and ensured the safety of all personnel while they worked beyond the protective lines of the base.
A ribbon-cutting ceremony was held at the site, Aug. 16, with representation from many of the units that provided labor and materials for the successful completion of the expansion.
In his speech, Capt. Craig Scharton, commanding officer of NMCB 24, stated, "The Super ECP project at Al Asad Air Base was truly the crown jewel of our construction projects during this deployment, as well as a prime example of the cohesion of the battalion's companies and their ability to efficiently perform exceptional Seabee work."
Capt. Timothy McMahon, commanding officer, Base Command Group, in an interview after the ceremony explained, "Basically, all of these folks took a 'dormant' facility and brought it to life. With money scarce and literally a moratorium on new construction, we had to come up with a way to make the ECP work better for the protection of both the base and the Marines who man all the checkpoints. Combining talent, perseverance and dedication [they all] made this happen and all of us here onboard Al Asad, both present and future, will benefit greatly from their hard work."
Naval Mobile Construction Battalion 24 is headquartered in Huntsville, Alabama. It is a reserve unit, with home detachments located in the states of Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Georgia, South Carolina and West Virginia. NMCB 24 began its second deployment in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom in the spring of 2009. Currently it is headquartered at Al Asad Air Base, Al Anbar province, Iraq.
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