Hmmm.......why is a site that has it's focus on Iraq and Afghanistan publishing an article about Andy Baldwin? If you don't know the answer to that, then you don't know who Andy Baldwin is. We cover topics that are military related, and you know I love finding stories about our troops who step outside their military work to help others in the community. So here is a short bio on just a part of who Andy Baldwin is.
U.S. Navy Lieutenant Commander Andy Baldwin, M.D., 32, is an Undersea Medical Officer, Ironman triathlete, Navy Diver, and humanitarian currently stationed in Washington, D.C. at the Navy's Bureau of Medicine and Surgery. Andy's projects include working with the U.S. Surgeon General on his initiative against Childhood Obesity called "Healthy Youth for a Healthy Future."
Beginning on October 2nd and continuing through October 10th, you will find Andy Baldwin leading the way on his bike as he and others cross the state of Pennsylvania on a 420 mile route through 16 counties. He will be following the PennDot S BIke Route.
Starting in Pittsburgh with two school assemblies Andy will be bringing his mission directly to the kids he is trying to lead into making healthier choices with their lives. For more information you can check here and here, his schedule is found here along with details on signing up for the bike ride here.
Oh and in case you are thinking, I know the name Andy Baldwin from somewhere else, yes it just might have been "The Bachelor: An Officer and a Gentleman".
So go ahead, check out the Pittsburgh Family Bike Ride and Andy Baldwin's Pennsylvania Health Ride Do your part to prevent Childhood Obesity!