Kunar Provincial Reconstruction Team Public Affairs
KUNAR PROVINCE, Afghanistan – Kunar Provincial government leaders and Kunar Provincial Reconstruction Team members signed a construction project implementation commitment to build five new schools in the province, Sept. 27.
Fazullah Wahidi, Kunar provincial governor, told a crowd of more than 100 gathered mullahs, village elders and government directors that the new school in Narang district and four schools in Asadabad district represent the Afghanistan government’s commitment to the people to improve education.
“The time of fighting is done, now is the time for education,” said Wahidi. “Education is important for everyone because it takes people out of the darkness and into the light. We want Afghanistan children to get an education.”
The governor said while the buildings are important and the first step to improving the development and security of the country, it is when teachers teach and children learn that education begins.
He also stressed it’s the Shura members responsibility to help with security on the projects so the contractors can do their jobs. He also emphasized the need to protect the schools if insurgents try to damage them.
“If the Taliban come to burn the schools, we as Shura members need to say first, ‘burn my home, not the school,’” Wahidi said. “These schools will give our children a place to learn and must be protected.”
Sayed Jalaluddine Hasani, Kunar Provincial director of education, said the schools represent an investment by the government in the people of Kunar province.
“With good schools, we can have the darkness go away,” Udin said. “We are building these five schools to make Afghanistan better.”
A Narang shura member speaking on behalf of the village said they were grateful to have a new school for the district.
“We have kids learning outside under the trees and sun, but now they will have a good place to learn. On behalf of the Narang shura, I thank the (provincial government) for helping bring a school to Narang,” the village elder said.
According to Lt. Col. Joseph Cantlin, PRT chief of civil-military operations, the signing ceremony was a happy occasion and represents the combined effort of the provincial government and the U.S. to make Afghanistan better.
“We’ve been working hard to coordinate with the governor and directors to find the most important areas to put schools, hospitals and other projects across Kunar,” the Ft. Belvoir, Va., native said. “It’s a privilege to work with the governor and line directors to bring this happy day to build five new schools to the people of Kunar province.”
“I have two children myself and understand how important it is to the young people of Narang and Asadabad to have the opportunity to go to a good school and learn because they represent the future of Afghanistan,” he said “My hope is for the children to learn and grow up to be good citizens of Kunar and Afghanistan.”
Those sentiments were echoed by Navy Lt. Cmdr. Jay Burgess, PRT senior engineer and
“Nothing is as special to me in my heart as building schools. The contractor said ‘God willing we will have the schools built in 12 months,’ but the real work doesn’t begin until the school is finished. That is when the investment pays off because teachers will have the opportunity and tools to invest in the children of Afghanistan,” said that native of Oklahoma City.
“So, while we celebrate today the beginning of the schools, I look forward to the decades when the schools still exist and the students have a proper education,” Burgess said.
The contract was signed Sept. 20 between the PRT and BBS, the prime contractor. An additional benefit to the provincial economy is the prime contractor will also hire local help to construct the schools.
The ceremony was a promise signing agreement between the Asadabad and Narang district development associations, the provincial governor and the PRT to support and protect the project.