Ft. Hood has activated a hotline for families. 254-288-7570 or 1-866-836 2751 Fort Hood
Fort Hood will observed a day of mourning on Friday 6 Nov 09. The duty day will begin no earlier than 0900 -- Fort Hood services will continue as previously scheduled but with a modified heightened security on post. Schools will remain open.
Original: 11/5/2009
Last Updated: 11/11/2009
One Shooter killed shot, stable condition: Soldier, MAJ Malik Nidal Hasan, by Civilian (Ft Hood) Police
Pentagon Confirms Shooter was: Major Malik Nidal Hasan, Mental Health Doctor
Shouted "Allah Akhbar" as he comenced shooting.
Hasan was 39 year old Major from Virginia.
Previously assigned to Walter Reed Hospital, 6 years. Never assigned elsewhere. Never Deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan and outspokenly against both wars and being deployed. Expressed pleasure with shooting at Recruiting Station earlier this year and suggested more shootings should occur. Lifelong Muslim.
Commentary On Denying the Facts
Hasan Self-prescribed HIV treatment medication. Fox News 11/11/2009
Hasan emailed islamist extremist imam, Anwar al-Awlaki, currently in Yemen
Hasan reportedly had "SOA" imprinted on his business cards, meaning "Soldier of Allah"
Hasan gave presentation at Health Conference calling on Army to allow Muslims to be released from Military Service.
Hasan took advantage of multiple programs by the Army to afford him very expensive mental health education.
Hasan was highly paid and never deployed to any combat zone.
Hasan was prior enlisted.
Hasan was the son of Jordanian Palestinians.
Hasan worshipped at the same mosque at the same time as 9/11 hi-jackers. Dar al-Hijrah mosque in Great Falls, Virginia
US Intelligence knew he had been in contact with Al-Qaeda operatives at least as early as 2008.
Investigations into Hasan's activities were halted due to fear of claims of religious harassment.
Hasan's claims of religious harassment have not been confirmed.
Hasan listed his religion as "No Preference" on official documents while publicly stating his religious beliefs.
Hasan was vocally against the Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq from 9/11/2001.
Hasan has a lawyer.
Hasan gave away copies of the Koran on the morning of the shooting.
Muslims considered him a threat to this Nation.
Hasan praised suicide bombers as "heroes."
Hasan praised Little Rock Recruiting Station Shooter and stated more type terrorist attacks should occur.
PTSD is NOT a contagious disease and cannot be transmitted from Wounded Warriors.
Hasan considered himself a "Muslim First" and American Second.
And this is just the tip of the iceberg on his ties and indications to Islamist Terrorism, to include Al-Qaeda itself. Red Flags and Alarm Bells should have been everywhere, except for Political Correctness.
THREE broadcast reports on the incident have mentioned the possiblity of terrorism.
Other US Born Terrorists
He had only been wounded and was hospitalized in stable condition. "His death is not imminent," said Lt. Gen. Bob Cone at Fort Hood at 9:15 p.m. news conference.
Weapons: 2 handguns
Two Suspects Arrested: Soldiers, RELEASED
Twelve 13 Confirmed Dead: Includes at least one reported Civilian Veteran Police Officer
31 28 Wounded, including the Police Officer that took him down.
One Known Location: Readiness Center for deployment/re-deployment processing.
FBI has stated it is not terrorism, though it seems early for such a call it is clearly terrorism.
Most information will not be known/confirmed for some time but will be updated here.
Current: Base Still locked-down. Base: Increased Security.
Situation believed to have been resolved.
US House of Representatives Moment of Silence: 5:53:30 PM to 5:53:50 PM, Thursday November 5th, 2009 US Senate held #MoS at some point prior to that.
DoD held Moment of Silence at 1:34PM Central on 6 Nov 2009
Colonel who worked with MAJ Hasan: "Hasan expressed view that more shootings like that at Army Recruiting Station should happen."
Cousin, Nader Hasan: Born Muslim, expressed opposition to deploying to Afghanistan/Iraq since 9/11. He was trying to get out of Military, moreso in last 5 months. Never Deployed.
Unconfirmed Reports: Shooter was a 41 39 year old Major from Virginia preparing to deploy. He had previously strongly expressed not wishing to be deployed. Reports indicate he had converted to Islam. Reports indicate he was Psychiatrist, previously assigned to Walter Reed.
Possible: One Shooter on the loose.
“I am deeply saddened by the tragic events today at Fort Hood. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the fallen, the wounded, and all those touched by this incident. There is little we can say at this point to alleviate the pain or answer the many questions this event raises, but I can pledge that the Department of Defense will do everything in its power to help the Fort Hood community get through these difficult times.”
“This is a terrible tragedy that we will know more about in the coming days. For now our focus is squarely on taking care of our soldiers and their families,” said Secretary of the Army John M. McHugh.
“Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and friends of those who have been killed and wounded. The leadership at Fort Hood is marshalling the medical support and counselors necessary to take care of our soldiers and their families and to notify the next of kin.”
The Red Cross released a statement at approximately 5:35 p.m. saying:
The American Red Cross is ensuring that the blood supply is at the needed capacity to support tragedies such as the incident at Ft. Hood, Texas. We are hosting a blood drive today from 5:30 p.m. until 11:30 PM and will reopen again tomorrow morning at 8 am. Those wishing to donate can do so at 4224 Cobbs Drive (next to the National Guard Armory), Waco Texas 76710."
Scott & White Hospital released a statement at about 6:41 p.m. indicating:
Scott & White Memorial Hospital has received 10 gunshot victims from Fort Hood. All patients are adults. No other victims are expected to arrive at Scott & White in Temple or at any of Scott & White locations. The Scott & White Memorial Hospital is closed to routine visitors, but the Emergency Department is OPEN to receive patients from the community. Donations for blood are being accepted at Memorial Hospital on 31st Street in Temple."
Killeen ISD released a statement at around 6:46 p.m., which said:
Killeen ISD has received word from Fort Hood that the lock down has been lifted. Students will be dismissed to parents. All parents must go to the campus and pick up their student. Students will only be dismissed to parents/guardians who sign them out. No student will walk home or ride a bus. Again, Killeen ISD has received word that the lock down has been lifted. All students will be dismissed from their campus to a parent."
Washington, D.C. – TAPS (Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors) is a national non-profit organization which cares for anyone suffering the loss of a military member, and today’s Fort Hood shootings hit very close to home.
TAPS is headquartered in Washington D.C. but has one branch office at Ft. Hood, the largest Army base in the continental United States. TAPS provides care and comfort for bereaved survivors of military loss, regardless of the circumstance or location of the death.
“Obviously with such a sad turn of events, even more families stationed at Fort Hood will need the services TAPS provides,” said Kim Ruocco, TAPS Program Manager for Survivor Support. “We stand ready to help these bereaved families 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and our toll-free hotline is available at 1-800-959-TAPS (8277).”
Several surviving families from prior military losses were at the TAPS office on Ft. Hood taking part in a survivor program at the time of the base lock down.
Fort Hood has hosted several TAPS regional seminars for adults and Good Grief Camps for children to help families of those who have died in military service to America. Earlier this year, TAPS opened a branch office at Fort Hood to assist bereaved military families. More information about TAPS is available at www.taps.org.
Media: TAPS spokespersons may be available via satellite or studio in Washington, DC or Boston, Mass.
About TAPS: TAPS provides peer-based emotional support, grief and trauma resources, seminars, case work assistance, and 24/7 crisis intervention care for anyone who has been affected by a death in the Armed Forces. Services are provided free of charge.