In the aftermath of the Fort Hood massacre, everyone is searching for a motive and some are attempting to advance a cause. Before we even knew who the shooter was, many were already blaming PTSD for his actions. Unfortunately, even after the known facts are out, some are still hanging on to that excuse. The search for motivation continues as does the disturbing trend of high level leaders to discount obvious details.
It is now being reported that some officers that served with Hasan failed to report or act on his statements of support for the attack on a Recruiting Station and his praise of suicide bombers, for fear of being labeled a racist or being charged under the Equal Opportunity program. Hasan himself reported his religion to the Army as "no preference" while proclaiming himself a Muslim.
His statements alone should have raised questions of his loyalties and to the risks to the Soldiers exposed to him. The greatest damage he may have done was with the minds entrusted to his care at Walter Reed. At this very minute, the Medical Command should be checking the files and results of every Soldier that was "treated" by him.
If his statements were taken to heart, if a proper investigation had been conducted, this may have been avoided. He may have never had an opportunity to kill Our Troops. This opportunity to prevent tragedy was lost, because of political correctness, because officers were afraid to follow-up on threatening statements because he was Muslim.
It is incredibly disheartening to see General George Casey himself discounting the role of islamism in the actions of Hasan.
The evidence may demonstrate that Hasan acted without instruction from the enemy. That does not clear him of terrorism. Many terrorist acts are committed by a single individual. But there are ties to islamist terrorism. According to the Telegraph, he was attending the same mosque during the same time frame as were 3 of the 9/11 hi-jackers. The Mullah of that timeframe is a known islamist that preaches violence.
But Michelle Malkin is the only one pointing that report out. Why are mainstream media in the US not noticing this huge bit of evidence?
Recognizing that he was a Muslim and suspecting him to be an Islamist is not "racist," nor is it an indictment of Muslims. True Muslims oppose the heretical killing of unarmed civilians and the cardinal sin of suicide. Islamists are heretics to Islam. Muslims practice a religion. That American leaders still don't understand that difference and still preach political correctness that hides islamist enemies is unexcusable 8 years into the war.
"Multiculturalists" that defend the enemy under their ignorance of the difference are pure hypocrites to their claims to respect other cultures. They clearly do not understand the culture in question, nor have they made any reasonable attempt to understand it.
If the Senior Leadership of the Military, of this Nation, and the Main Stream Media does not pull their collective heads out of their collective 4th points of contact and realize the difference between Islamists (the enemy) and Islam (a religion) and begin to act on statements made by Islamists, there will be more such attacks. Problems cannot be resolved while denying the things that cause it.
Even Muslims have realized they must condemn this attack. Even Muslims found his following of al-Awlaki troubling. Even Muslims found his anti-Semetism distasteful.
And if the investigating authorities continue to refuse to consider terrorism as a potential reason for his actions, I will not be able to consider their conclusions credible.