In a recent poll of War On Terror News Readers, more than 90% of respondents Support Our General over calls to withdraw from Afghanistan (5%), maintain current Troop strengths (2%), or support the undefined "strategy" from the current Administration (2%). This crosses party lines with 97% of Republicans, 90% of Independents, 100% of 3rd Party members, and 47% of Democrats Supporting the McChrystal Plan & Request for Resources to win.
Democrats were the most divided over Afghanistan with 47% stating Support of Our General, 29% supporting a "hold" strategy, 14% stating support of the POTUS over other options, and 14% calling for complete withdrawal from Afghanistan.
Aside from Support of Our General, less than 3% of Republicans expressed support of the undefined POTUS plan and none supported withdrawal or holding to current Troop Levels.
Independents were representative of the overall support of the McChrystal Plan which reportedly requests at least 40,000 More Warriors to reinforce current operations in Afghanistan, while less than 10% of remaining Independents called for a full withdrawal from Afghanistan.
These are preliminary results in an unscientific poll in which readers self-identified their party. The President completed his comprehensive review of Afghanistan strategy in March 2009 and made his conclusions at that time, sending General McChrystal to implement that strategy last summer as the Troops approved under the previous Commander In Chief were arriving. General McChrystal presented the President his plan and request for Re-Inforcements in August 2009 and has been waiting for a decision since then.
Ambassador Eikenberry, Vice-President Biden, Senator Kerry, and Senator Levin have all expressed opposition to the McChrystal Request, while Senator Feinstein, former Secretary of State Albright and numerous NATO allies have stated Support for General McChrystal.
Since August 2009, the POTUS has repeatedly stated his decision would come "soon" or "within weeks" with the most recent statement indicating that it will wait until after Thanksgiving while also promising Troops from Florida to Alaska that he will "fully resource" them when he puts them in "harm's way" as the Troops in Afghanistan and Iraq continue to be.
Candidate Obama campaigned on sending more Troops to Afghanistan and stated it would be his "Top Priority" to win in "the necessary war."