DATE: 1 January 2010
TO: All the Vets
FROM: CI Roller Dude, Vet of SFOR 14, OIF 3 and…Berlin Brigade
RE: Thanks to all service members, prior and present
Happy New Year. Although many of you are in a land where General Order #1 (no booze, no fun) is the rule, I hope you found some near beer at midnight last.
Some of you were off duty. However, there were many who were on patrol, on guard/ gate duty, on a ship at sea, flying a million dollar aircraft overhead and still some were behind the lines still working around the clock to fight the war on terror.
The modern Vet on duty might be a son, daughter, brother, sister, father or mom. They are of all colors, all religions and from all over the country. They all volunteered at a time when they knew they might go to war, might go into a hostile place, and might have to put their life on the line or do harm to others. Not for the glory, not for the medals, not for the heroes welcome when they come home; they did it for their own reasons, yet no matter the reason, they went when many others did not. They may go out into harm's way today, then again the tomorrow, but, they will go. They will do their duty and they don't ask for much. They get paid, they get fed and they follow orders.
Many citizens back home slept well knowing you were there around the world keeping them safe.
On their behalf and on mine, I thank you.
"CI-Roller Dude"