Afghans ride to enforce rules Story by 2nd Lt. Jason Smith CJTF101
Members of the Kentucky National Guard Agribusiness Development Team with Panjshir Provincial Reconstruction Team delivered four brand-new Corola motorcycles to the Panjshir Province National Environmental Protection Agency director Aug. 17.
Now, the NEPA director says the agency can enforce standards and do the government’s work.
“We have a vehicle, but our vehicle was not able to go to a lot of places we needed to go,” said Abdul Monan, Panjshir NEPA director, through an interpreter. “We can say that we’re blessed now. We have motorcycles.”
The 150cc motorcycles cost about $4,500 total, said U.S. Army Lt. Col. Jeffrey Casada, Kentucky ADT leader with Panjshir PRT. They were paid using Kentucky ADT Commander’s Emergency Response Funds, said the London, Ky., native.
In addition to the four motorcycles, the ADT delivered four helmets, winter riding mittens and motorcycle covers. Casada also had Monan sign a letter of agreement stating Monan would be responsible to properly care for and service the new bikes.
The Panjshir NEPA will now be more active in inspecting water, air quality and other NEPA-related responsibilities, said Casada.
“If they’re here without transportation, then they’re not doing their job,” said Casada. “This gives them the freedom to get to the places they need to get to. They’ll be a big part of inspecting the proposed Anaba slaughterhouse.”
Along with increased inspections, Monan said he is looking forward to some other important projects.
“It’s my responsibility to take care of the forest and the animals,” said Monan. “There are some leopards and wolves that people are killing. They’re illegally destroying all of the leopards and wolves, and we’re going to try to stop them.”
With a little help from their American partners, the nine Afghan NEPA employees and their director will be riding to inspect standards and enforce policies.