Combined medical teams conduct outreach in Paktiya
ISAF JC: KABUL, Afghanistan - The Afghan National Army's 203rd Corps, along with coalition force advisors, provided a combined medical, dental and pharmacy team from the Paktya Regional Military Hospital in support of a multi-pronged medical outreach program conducted at two locations in Paktiya province Sunday - Wednesday.
The two Afghan-led village medical outreaches, held at the Pesho Gar Madrassa Monday and the Dand wa Patan District Center Tuesday, facilitated full screenings of more than 450 Afghan civilians in separate male and female sites.
Throughout the several-day outreach, a shura was conducted at the Dand wa Patan District Center with local elders to discuss local concerns and reconstruction efforts. Following the shura, local elders were invited to observe the medical services being provided.
Members of the Afghan National Police, Afghan Border Patrol, ANA Religious and Cultural Affairs, Afghan Department of Public Health, local interpreters and midwives, as well as coalition forces female engagement team also participated in the four-day outreach.