NTM-I graduates 749 Iraqi Federal Police
by Sgt. Eunice Alicea Valentin USF-I
BAGHDAD - Members of the Iraqi Federal Police and Zerevani, Kurdish regional government police forces, graduated from a specialized NATO Training Mission-Iraq training course Dec. 19 at the Federal Police Special Training Academy at Camp Dublin.
They join more than 9,400 members of the Iraqi Federal Police that have graduated since its initiation in 2007.
“While violent extremists continue to launch attacks, the police have maintained their professionalism and Iraq’s internal security,” said Deputy Commander of NATO Training Mission Iraq Maj. Gen. Claudio Angelelli. “It is no wonder why the Iraqi Security Force remains the most trusted government institution in the country.”
Following a pass-in-review for assembled dignitaries who included United States Forces-Iraq leaders and school administrators, the students demonstrated skills they acquired during the eight-week course, including crowd control, hostage rescue and hand-to-hand combat.