Lacking US leadership, the world is devolving into turmoil. The is an old saying that I'll butcher but goes something like: "When a butterfly flaps its wings in asia, Florida feels a hurricane." It is designed to demonstrate figuratively that small events around the world have seemingly unconnected but serious effects globally.
When the US economy took a downturn, it wasn't an isolated event, but the impact of a global economic downturn. Political slogans blamed the President, but the reality is the recession had been staved off for years, despite international unemployment rates in 2004 that were higher than the US has seen in years.
The Democracy Tide peaked in 2009 when hundreds of thousands of Persians peacefully risked death to protest the tyranny of Iranian Islamism, in the wake of a patently fraudulent election there. Iran had to recall its Hamas thugs in order to put it down, violently, protests that even the Iranian Revolutionary Guard would not stop. Democracy had seen 8 years of American leadership willing to protect the will of the people and to stand up against tyranny. In 2009, there was not even a weak condemnation of the brutal tyrannical violence against peaceful protesters.
The tide has turned against democracy and for communists and islamists, for tyranny.
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