Ghazni governor hosts agriculture shura
ISAF: KABUL, Afghanistan – More than 70 people gathered for an agriculture shura hosted by Ghazni Gov. Musa Khan at his provincial compound in Ghazni City Jan 27.
The shura was the first one conducted in the province and was designed to build on the momentum from the November 2010 National Agriculture Shura to bring focus of key agricultural issues to the provincial and district level, according to Task Force White Eagle representatives.
Topics presented throughout the day included a Ghazni province agriculture overview, top 10 effective agriculture practices for agriculture extension agents, plant protection, security and reintegration program, project development strategy, and a discussion on water, dams and irrigation. The primary themes were the importance of developing an effective agricultural extension service and water resource management.
“Ghazni agriculture is reflective of the rest of Afghanistan,” said United States Department of Agriculture representative Michael Clayton. “It is very capable of growing good quality grains, fruits and vegetables with water being the limiting resource from year to year.”
The lack of water and drought conditions was a key theme throughout the shura. In opening remarks Khan stressed the need for dams and water infrastructure throughout the province.
This need was further clarified when Ghazni Agribusiness Development Team-IV Agriculture Team Leader U.S. Army Maj. John L. Davis, a member of Texas Army National Guard who is from Austin, Texas, presented the 2010-2011 snow report for Ghazni province. Comparing snow levels from the past three years, the drought conditions were readily apparent to all participants.
“The province will experience a shortage of available water from winter snowfall if it does not receive significant snowfall in the next 30 days,” said Davis. “It is imperative that the provincial leaders establish a water and irrigation working group to address this issue. This group must include representatives of the Department of Agriculture, Irrigation and Livestock the Director of Energy and Water, as well as implementing partners. The intent will be to develop consolidated strategies to address the broad implications of the water shortage.”
Ghazni agriculture extension agent Mohammad Ali spoke about effective extension agent practices in Ghazni province, giving the other agriculture extension agents present at the shura advice on key character qualities needed to become successful in their positions.
“You must be assertive and teach the farmers of your districts,” Ali said. “Many farmers have continued farming practices taught to them by their fathers and grandfathers and are reluctant to change. Educating the farmers in modern practices can be achieved through interaction, radio programs, and establishing demonstration farms in your districts.”
Chancellor of Ghazni University Dr. Ahmad Rafiki continued to stress the importance of education for the agricultural extension agents.
“Agriculture extension agents face many challenges due to budget restraints, but good extension begins with the University,” he said.
Sultan Hussein, DAIL director, gave each agriculture extension agent an in-depth extension handbook to use as a teaching guide and reference to increase their knowledge and effectiveness in their positions.
Expressing his desire to continue the momentum of the shura, Khan said, “I encourage you, the agriculture extension agents and district governors, to hold similar seminars in your districts.”
The day’s events concluded with a press conference held by several members of the local Afghan press corps.
“The Ghazni agricultural shura was an excellent example of the growing capacity and capability of the Afghan government,” said U.S. Army Lt. Col. Brian P. Stevens, commander, Texas ADT-IV. “The participation and interaction by the governor, provincial line directors, district governors and the agriculture extension agents, will ensure that agriculture growth is at the forefront of future Government of the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan initiatives.”