"Peace by persuasion has a pleasant sound, but I think we should not be able to work it. We should have to tame the human race first, and history seems to show that that cannot be done." Mark Twain in a Letter to William T. Stead, 1/9/1899
While Columbia University has not had a ROTC Office in 4 decades, it does not shy away from weighing in on Military Debates. Contrary to the Geneva Conventions, one of its professors claimed that the US Constitution, not the Geneva Conventions and International Law were the basis for holding trials and giving unearned rights to terrorists captured on the Battlefield.
Yeah, the same University that invited Ahdimijihadist to speak there bans ROTC from its campus and its students heckle Wounded Warriors that are members of its student body. The leader of the terrorist world was cheered mere miles from the site of the 9/11 attacks, a place he tried to visit, and was denied by NYC.
Yes, it's the same Ahdiminijihadist that calls for the destruction of Israel, that praises the terrorist actions of Hezbollah, and calls for the "real Holocaust" as he denies the Nazi's did it already. Why shouldn't he praise the terrorists? Hezbollah is ran from Tehran, as is Hamas, which he called in to put down the 2009 protests in Iran.
Columbia banned ROTC during the Viet Nam War. Its more recent excuses for the ban was Don't Ask Don't Tell. Now it is complaining that the very small percentage of people that changed their sex can't join the military, claiming that their student body includes those few. But there are more Veterans in their student body than there are those who paid thousands of dollars to be classified as a sex they weren't born as.
And before you say, it was just idiot students that verbally attacked a Veteran that was shot 11 times protecting their Freedoms, realize Columbia is putting the ROTC issue to a poll to decide. In fact, the Veteran was speaking as part of the debate of whether ROTC should be allowed back on Campus.
New York Post on this. The first Post I saw on this situation. This Ain't Hell joins the debate. BlackFive weighs in. The Political Commentator tells how he feels about it. Why should you read these other accounts? Because they have slightly different takes on it, slightly different reasons for their positions, but they are also Citizens & Veterans speaking out about a situation that shouldn't be. They provide the details of what happened to a War Hero that wanted to speak out.
Maxine Griffith VP of Government Affairs at 212 854-6524 or 212 854-7366.
President of Columbia (212) 854-9970
Herbert J. Gans the Anti-Troop instigator at Columbia University can be reached at [email protected]
Contact your Congressmen (all 3) and tell them that Columbia does not deserve one dime of US Taxpayer money, not in Pell Grants, and not in any other grant, not one dime. IF they won't allow ROTC on their campus and if they encourage Our Veterans, Our Heroes to be heckled, then they don't deserve OUR money.
No University that denies ROTC should be given taxpayer money.