War in Afghanistan News reports provided by ISAF Joint Command. Operations are reported in the following provinces: Paktiya, Zabul, Helmand, Kandahar, Logar, Kabul and Nangarhar.
In addition to 2000 pounds of hash, Afghan and coalition forces rounded up at least 3 Taliban weapons facilitators, 2 VBIED facilitators, and cleared out 7 weapons caches in operations throughout Afghanistan. Also, Mullah Faizulla was killed after threatening security forces during operations in Zabul yesterday.
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In other International Security Assistance Force Joint (ISAF) Command Operational News throughout Afghanistan:
Paktiya Province
Afghan and coalition forces detained two insurgents and discovered a weapons cache in Zurmat district, Paktiya province today.
The cache consisted of four boxes of DSHKA machine gun ammunitions, two combat helmets, five anti personnel mines, two magazines and six grenades.
Zabul Province
Afghan and coalition forces detained a Taliban weapons facilitator and several suspected insurgents in Qalat district, yesterday.
The Taliban weapons facilitator was involved with the facilitation, trading, selling and buying of weapons in Tarnek wa Jaldak and Zabul districts for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
Security forces followed leads to a targeted location in the district, where Afghan and coalition forces conducted a search after securing the compound. The security team confiscated multiple AK-47s, a machine gun, 15 chest racks and ammunition during the search. The Taliban facilitator and several suspected insurgents were detained after initial questioning at the scene.
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Helmand Province
In Marjah district, Afghan and coalition forces operating in the area discovered a weapons cache consisting of one rocket propelled grenade launcher, two RPG rounds and two grenades.
All weapons have been or will be destroyed by security forces.
In Nahr-e Saraj district, Afghan and coalition forces targeted a Taliban leader munitions facilitator and detained several suspected insurgents during an operation yesterday.
The leader and munitions facilitator operates in Lashkar Gah district where he coordinates successful attacks against Afghan and coalition forces as well as supplies Taliban insurgents in his area with munitions. He has ties to narcotics facilitation and influence over local judicial officials in the province.
Intelligence reports led the security force to the targeted compound in the Nahr-e Sarah district, where Afghan forces called for all occupants to exit the buildings peacefully before conducting a search. Several suspected insurgents were detained after initial questioning at the scene for involvement in insurgent activity.
Kandahar Province
In Panjwa’i district a combined dismounted patrol of Afghan and coalition forces discovered a weapons cache today. The cache consisted of four rocket propelled grenades, eight victim operated improvised explosive devices, one 82 mm mortar round, four RPG propellants, one machine gun and several IED making components.
In a separate operation in Panjwa’i district, combined Afghan and coalition forces operating in the area discovered a weapons cache. The cache consisted of one AK-47 with several full magazines, three grenades, three grenades strikers, one 80mm mortar tube filled with homemade explosive materials, eight rocket propelled grenades warheads, four RPG charges, one two and half gallons (10 liters) propane tank filled with homemade explosive materials, two 80mm illumination rounds, one RPG launcher and several rolls of electric wire.
Afghan National Security and International Security Assistance Forces killed Mullah Faizulla, a Taliban weapons facilitator along with one additional male, who threatened the security force, during a security operation in Tarnek wa Jaldak, Zabul province yesterday.
Mullah Faizulla operated out of Tarnek wa Jaldak district and travelled back and forth from Kandahar province. He was responsible for distributing weapons and funding Taliban insurgent activities along Highway 1 to include attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.
Multiple intelligence sources led the security force to the targeted compound in the district. As the joint security force arrived at the targeted compound they observed one insurgent fleeing from the targeted compound with an object slung on his shoulder. The insurgent turned toward the security forces and threatened them resulting in the security force engaging the insurgent and killing him. The security force moved to the location of the insurgent and identified the individual as Mullah Faizulla, the targeted insurgent.
While the security force was securing the site around Mullah Faizulla a man was observed moving into a ditch. He was then observed coming out of the ditch toward the security force and onto the road where he threatened the security force. The security force engaged the man, at which time he was killed.
After securing the targeted compound, Afghan forces called for all occupants to exit the building peacefully before conducting a search. The search ended without detaining any suspected insurgents. The security force conducted a key leader engagement with the Afghan National Police commander to explain the purpose of the mission.
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In Kandahar City, Afghan and coalition forces detained two Taliban vehicle-borne improvised explosive device facilitators along with two suspected insurgents, yesterday.
The facilitators were responsible for coordinating the construction and use of the VBIEDs for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. They were associated with a now-detained Taliban facilitator. All three assisted in the assassination of a Daman district Afghan National Police chief. They also had ties to other Taliban leaders and facilitators in the province.
Intelligence reports led the security force to the targeted compound in the city, where Afghan forces called for all occupants to exit the buildings peacefully before conducting a search. The targeted Taliban facilitator identified himself to the security force as the targeted insurgent and was detained. The second Taliban facilitator and two suspected insurgents were detained after initial questioning at the scene for involvement in insurgent activity.
In Tangay and Mian villages of Shah Wali Kot district, Afghan and coalition forces completed a deliberate clearing operation aimed at disrupting the Taliban’s freedom of movement yesterday.
Intelligence reports led the joint security force to the targeted compounds where Taliban leaders and insurgents bed down and have observation points overlooking the village for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. The area is also a facilitation route to move weapons and IEDs into Kandahar City and throughout the country.
Afghan and coalition forces cleared 16 compounds suspected of insurgent activity and destroyed two fighting positions and a bunker. Afghan forces called for all occupants to exit the compounds peacefully before the joint security force cleared and secured the areas.
In Panjwa’i district, an Afghan security forces and ISAF patrol discovered a weapons cache consisting of six 72 mm rockets and one 60 mm illumination round. The weapons were destroyed by security forces.
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Logar Province
Afghan and coalition forces targeted a Taliban IED facilitator and detained several suspected insurgents during a security operation in Pul-e ‘Alam district yesterday.
The Taliban facilitator is an IED specialist who uses his expertise for attacks against Afghan and coalition forces in the district. He has ties to multiple insurgents involved in conducting attacks within the province. Recent reporting indicates he was aware of an insurgent within his group attempting to blow up two coalition vehicles in the province.
Security forces followed leads to a targeted location in the district, where Afghan forces called for all occupants to exit the buildings peacefully before conducting a search. Several suspected insurgents were detained based on initial questioning at the scene.
Kabul Province
In Sarobi district, an ISAF patrol discovered a weapons cache consisting of eight 82 mm rounds and 27 82 mm recoilless shells. All weapons have been or will be destroyed by security forces.
Nangarhar Province
In Khugyani district, Afghan and coalition forces found 2000 pounds (909 kilograms) of hash during a dismounted patrol. The hash was destroyed on site.
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