I've watched Sen Carl Levin on CNN's State of the Union discuss the situation in Libya twice now. He seems to be the most informed elected official speaking about the "mission," at least as far as being able to explain the Administration positions. It is now as clear as mud to me. A few days ago, I heard "Democracy Now" debate the same issue on NPR. They were begging for money throughout the show, but are far from advocates of American Democracy. Interestingly, a Libyan professor at the University of Michigan was fully supportive of actions in Libya while an International Law professor at USC or UCLA spouted the typical anti-war slogans.
The situation in Libya, or I should say the Obama Admin reactions to it, have split the political spectrum along bi-partisan lines. Left and Right find reasons to find fault as well as to support the overall mission, but the one thing most seem to agree on is that there is no clear cut mission, except of course for a few like Sen Levin, who claim it's crystal clear, while he muddies what clarity there is.
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