War in Afghanistan News reports provided by ISAF Joint Command. Operations are reported in the following provinces: Paktika, Helmand, Kandahar, Kabul, Khost, Logar and Nangarhar.
Taking the "happy" away from insurgents, coalition forces discovered 780 pounds of heroin in one drug cache and another 220 pounds of heroin in a separate drug cache in different provinces.
There was no escaping the coalition forces relentless pursuit of Taliban and Haqqani leaders who were captured in multiple operations yesterday.
Weapons caches abound, but there are fewer ones out there. You should check out what interesting items were found in the weapons caches in Kandahar Province and Kabul Provinces.
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In other International Security Assistance Force Joint (ISAF) Command Operational News throughout Afghanistan:
Paktika Province
Afghan National Security and International Security Assistance Forces detained several suspected Haqqani Network insurgents, including the senior Haqqani leader in Orgun district, Paktika province yesterday.
The Haqqani insurgent is the senior leader for the Haqqani network in Bermel district. He has multiple connections with other Haqqani and Taliban leaders operating in Paktika province, and is responsible for multiple improvised explosive devices, indirect fire, and small-arms fire attacks against coalition forces and forward operating bases.
The combined forces targeted an area suspected of insurgent activity in Orgun district. The joint security force secured the targeted area then called for all occupants to exit the premises peacefully. After clearing and securing the area, the security force detained the Haqqani leader and several suspected insurgents for further questioning.
Helmand Province
International Security Assistance Forces discovered a large narcotics cache during a clearing operation in southern Afghanistan, today.
In Reg-e Khan Neshin district, Helmand province, an ISAF patrol stopped a suspected truck and found a drugs cache consisting of 780 pounds (1,720 kilograms) of heroin. Coalition forces also detained two suspected insurgents related to the narcotics cache for further questioning.
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Kandahar Province
In Kandahar province, an ISAF patrol discovered a large weapons cache in Kandahar district, today. The cache consisted of one AK-47, one anti-tank mine, one claymore mine, seven recoilless rifles, four recoilless rifle rounds, 12 grenades, 23 rocket-propelled grenade rounds, 27 RPG motors, two RPG launchers, two propellant sticks, six fuses, six caps, one heavy machine-gun, 600 12.7 mm rounds and several loose ammunition of different caliber.
Afghan National Security Forces and ISAF conducted a raid in order to capture a Taliban IED facilitator in Zharay District, Kandahar Province yesterday.
The Taliban insurgent acquires and facilitates the construction of IEDs, and is responsible for organizing attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He coordinates attacks with a Taliban IED facilitator responsible for IED construction and emplacement within Panjwa’i district and has close associations with senior Pakistan based Taliban leaders.
Intelligence tips led Afghan and coalition security forces to an area in Zharay district. The combined security forces searched the area and detained several suspected Taliban insurgents for further questioning.
Kabul Province
In Kabul province, during a clearing operation, combined forces found several weapons caches in Sarobi district, today. The caches consisted of nine anti-personnel mines, one rifle, 73 82 mm mortar rounds, one pistol, seven RPG rounds, 17 RPG boosters, 13 propellant sticks, two boxes of 14.5 mm rounds and several loose ammunition of different caliber.
All weapons, drugs and chemicals were confiscated and have been or will be destroyed.
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Khost Province
Afghan National Security Forces and ISAF captured a Haqqani Network leader in Khost district, Khost province yesterday.
The Haqqani Leader is responsible for organizing indirect fire cells and indirect fire attacks against coalition operating bases. He also coordinates and conducts attacks with other Haqqani insurgents against Afghan civilians, Afghan National Security Forces and coalition forces.
The combined security force targeted an area in Khost district based on tips from concerned citizens. The joint security force secured and cleared the targeted area. After initial questioning at the scene, the security force identified and detained the Haqqani leader along with several others suspected insurgents.
Logar Province
In Logar province, an Afghan and coalition security force conducted a raid in order to capture a Taliban IED facilitator and weapons expert in Bakari Barak district yesterday.
The Taliban facilitator is a weapons and IED expert, and is linked to many Taliban elements facilitating operations and planning attacks against coalition forces.
The security force targeted multiple compounds in the district to search for the commander. The combined security forces cleared all areas without incident and, after initial questioning on the scene, several suspected insurgents were detained.
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Nangarhar Province
In Achin district, Nangarhar province, Afghan National Security Forces and ISAF discovered a narcotics and chemicals cache consisting of 220 pounds (100 kilograms) of heroin and 661 pounds (300 kilograms) of ammonium chloride.
In Nangarhar province, while in pursuit of a Taliban leader, combined security forces detained numerous suspected insurgents in Behsud district yesterday.
The Taliban leader is involved with coordinating attacks throughout Memla Village, and has multiple ties to other senior Taliban leaders.
Based on tips from concerned citizens, the joint security force targeted a compound with suspected insurgent activity. Security forces used a loud speaker to call for all occupants to exit the compound, peacefully.
The joint security force secured and cleared two buildings and, after initial questioning, detained numerous suspected Taliban insurgents.
The combined security forces did not fire their weapons and protected the women and children throughout all the searches.
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