9 Killed in Clashes along Israel’s Borders
Witnesses and Lebanese sources say Israeli troops killed at least five people and wounded more than 50 when they fired on protesters to prevent them from crossing into Israel from Lebanon.
Clashes have erupted at protests along the border with the Hamas-ruled Gaza Strip, with Palestinian officials saying there are at least 60 wounded there.
Outside Jerusalem, medical sources say clashes wounded more than 100 when soldiers fired tear gas and rubber bullets to break up a group of demonstrators throwing stones.
The Palestinian protests are marking what they call the “Naqba,” or the “catastrophe.” It describes the uprooting of Palestinian families at the time of Israel's creation in 1948.
Israel had heightened security in anticipation of unrest leading up to Sunday's protests.
More than 700,000 Palestinians are estimated to have fled or been forced to leave their homes during the war that followed Israel's declaration of statehood in 1948.
Israel, which uses the Hebrew calendar, celebrated its 63rd anniversary on Tuesday.
Earlier Sunday, Israeli police say one person was killed and several injured when a truck ran into several vehicles in Tel Aviv.
Officials say the truck struck a bus and several cars in what they say may have been a planned attack. At least least two people were seriously injured.
The driver, described as an Arab Israeli, was arrested and is being questioned by police.