50 percent of the Afghan population will be covered under the second phase.
According to the proposal and the approval by the president, Balkh, Daikundi, Takjar, Samangan, Kabul and Nimruz provinces will be completely included in the second phase of the transition. Moreover, cities of Jalalabad, Cheigh Charan, Shebregan, Faizabad, Ghazni, Maidan Shar and Qalai Naw will also be covered under the second phase of the transition.
Also, districts of the big cities such as, Yaftal Safli, Arghanj, Baharak, Tashkan, Keshem and Argu’ districts of Badakhshan province as well as Abkamari of Badghis province, Nawah, Nad’Ali, Marjah of Helmand province, all districts of Herat province except for Shindand district, Uobi and Chash Sharif, Qarghai district of Laghman province, Behsud, Quskunar, and Sorkhrud districts of Nangarhar province, all districts of Parwan province except for Shiwari and Siahgherd, all districts of Sar-E-Pul province except for Sayyad and districts of first part of Beh Sud, Jelriz and Center of Behsud of Wardak province are included in the second phase of the transition process.
It is worth mentioning that Bamyan, Kabul and Panjshir provinces are completely covered except Surubi district, Herat City, Lashkargah city of Helmand province, city of Mazar-e-Sharif, city of Mehtar Lam were included in the first phase of the transition, and the transition in these place has been completed successfully.