SGT Mathiesen was recently awarded the new Danish Cross of Valor for actions he took on 19 February 2010. In the battle that day, his unit, ISAF team 9, took enemy fire, incapacitating a fellow Soldier. SGT Mathiesen immediately returned fire, suppressing 4 to 5 enemy positions while firing 7 magazines of ammunition.
Citation: For actions on the 19th February 2010, during fighting, unhesitatingly and while clearly recognizing the risk of his own life and limb and for having provided cover for a wounded comrade by standing between him and the enemy. He maintained this very vulnerable position, and fired on the enemy so that additional help could arrive.
SGT Mathiesen is assigned to the Engineer Regiment in Skive, Denmark.
"Det var Hendes Majestæt Dronningen, der overrakte Casper Westphalen Mathiesen tapperhedskorset.
- Hendes Majestæt Dronningens personlige engagement i udarbejdelsen og nu tildelingen af tapperhedskorset glæder mig meget. Det er med til at understrege betydningen af Tapperhedskorset, slår Knud Bartels fast og fortsætter:
- Vi skal ikke glemme, at der i dag er uddelt 11 andre æresbevisninger, heriblandt Forsvarets Medalje for Tapperhed til konstabel Jesper Houlberg Christensen." Danish Ministry of DefenseTranslation: Her Majesty the Queen, who presented Casper Westphalen Mathiesen the Danish Cross of Valor.
- "Her Majesty the Queen's personal involvement in preparing and now awarding of Cross of Valor brings me pleasure. It helps to emphasize the importance of the Cross of Valor" stated General Knud Bartels. He continues:
- "We must not forget that today 11 other honors were presented, including the Defense Medal for Bravery to Constable Jesper Christensen Houlberg."
SGT Mathiesen, an Engineer, protected his wounded comrade affording Nursing Assistant, Constable Jesper Christensen the ability to treat the wounded comrade under fire. Constable Christensen was awarded the Houlberg Defense Medal for Bravery for the actions he took in the same battle.
Citation: For actions on the 19th of February, during hostilities, without hesitation, and while clearly recognizing the risk of his own life and limb to have run from under the very heavy direct fire to get a wounded comrade to the rescue, including first aid and stabilizing him under constant shelling.