Written by U.S. Air Force Master Sgt. J. Lavoie, RC-East PAO Friday, 13 January 2012
GHAZNI PROVINCE, Afghanistan - Afghan National Police, Afghan National Army and National Defense Service were handed security of Ghazni District during a historic ceremony here, Jan. 12.
The event marked the transfer of security of Ghazni District from Polish to Afghan responsibility, as well as displayed coalition and Afghan confidence in the Afghan National Security Forces capabilities.
“We are proud of the ANA, ANP and NDS and that they are able to provide good security for Ghazni,” said Musa Khan, Ghazni Provincial governor, in his statements during the ceremony. “Every people and every nation must have their own security.”
Musa Khan, along with Dr. Ashraf Ghani Ahmadzai, head of transition for Afghanistan, also assured the people in attendance that the decision to transfer security was not taken lightly, and they are confident it is the right decision.
“The decision to transition has been carefully considered,” said Ahmadzai. “We have planned for a long time and are ready to provide security.
“Foreign troops have provided security for a long time, but now is our time,” he added. “We will continue to have positive relations with them, but now we will provide our own security.”
“Transition does not mean the end of our partnership, quite to the contrary; we will continue to tackle Ghazni’s challenges together,” said Gregory Huger, Regional Command-East acting senior civilian.
In addition to celebrating the success of the ANSF and transition, the provincial governor also had a message for the people of Ghazni City, as well as Ghazni Province.
“The Quran says if you kill each other, you will be destroyed. I ask that each of you follow the Quran. If we follow the Quran, we will succeed. We have to be united,” Khan said during the ceremony, adding that with this success, he hopes to soon see such ceremonies in other districts.
Ahmadzai also hoped for such a future, “President Karzai’s main goal, when he became president, was to hand over security to Afghans. We have been witness in a lot of districts, this is happening. We would like to have such ceremonies in all districts.”
In Ghazni City, ANA members in attendance thought the ceremony went well, and that they are ready to support the Afghan people’s safety.
“One hundred percent, we are ready to provide security,” said Col. Mohammad Alim, ANA commander. “It was a good event.”
Some in attendance felt this was a first step to an autonomous Afghanistan.
“I am very happy, everyone is happy,” said an ANA sergeant. ”This is the beginning of the future.
“We are in charge of our country, our people and our future,” the sergeant added.
(c) CJTF-1