Marcus Richmond may be running against Tom Cotton, but that doesn't mean he isn't also a great candidate:
"Despite fighting two wars, many of our national leaders are now seeking to solve our deficit problems by crippling national defense. The easiest target for their deficit knives is personnel cuts and reduced research and development for individual weapons and protective equipment. What will not be touched are the big ticket items built in the career politicians’ districts. Cutting manpower is always the first choice because, despite its high impact on defense capabilities, it has a low impact on politician’s careers." Richmond for Congress
This is the kind of race I'd like to see taking place in every district, where the voters have a choice between great candidates, rather than the lesser of two evils. And he "gets it" on Military Retirement vs. Congressional Retirement:
" A politician’s risk is limited to losing a future election if he fails to pander to special interests. Yet, cutting military retirement is always the first option presented to lawmakers. This is not the first time that attempts have been made to alter military retirement. In the 1980′s, military retirement was altered and had to be changed back, due to the adverse affect it had on retention and readiness. Career politicians need to lead by example and cut their own retirement first and leave military retirement alone. The men and women of the armed forces have earned this small benefit." ibid.
We've been saying the same for a while.
Richmond is on Facebook, on Twitter, and has a website.
The opponents in this race were previously listed when spotlighting Tom Cotton.
Their debate: