3.28.2012 Maj. Tony B. Crumbey 504th Battlefield Surveillance Brigade
FORWARD OPERATING BASE SPIN BOLDAK, Afghanistan – More than 300 Afghan Border and Uniformed Police officers graduated from the basic training course March 14 at Training Support Site Kostel in a ceremony, officially making them members of the Afghan National Security Forces.
Newly-trained Afghan Uniformed Police graduates wait the awarding of certificates at a combined graduation ceremony for Afghan Uniformed and Border Police on FOB Kostel in Spin Boldak, Afghanistan, March 14. (U.S. Army Photo by Spc. Scott D. Matheson)
The joint graduation marks the culmination of the months-long program that gave recruits basic techniques and tactical skills as the ANSF moves to take the lead in providing security and safety for its country. The ABP graduates will serve at border crossing points and enforce immigration flow into Afghanistan. The AUP is the largest organization within the Afghan National Police, and its members will work in various districts to enforce laws and investigate crimes.
During the graduation ceremony guest speakers included Lt. Col David Jones, the Commander of 2nd Squadron, 38th Cavalry Regiment, whose soldiers are partnered with ABP officers on daily security operations, and Brig. Gen. Nasrullah Zarifi, the Regional Command South Training Commander for the Afghan National Police.
“We are an educated and trained force,” he said. “We are enthusiastic about the training taking place here.
“Without the hard work during the training we cannot be a force ready to protect our country.”
For Jones the professionalism of the new officers is seen not only in their training but also their appearance.
“As I looked at each of you, your uniform as immaculately pressed, your hats creased, your boots looking professional, I was overcome with absolute joy.” he said. “I can see the great future of Afghanistan.”
(c) NTM-A