101st Combat Aviation Branch 3.20.2012 Story by Sgt. Duncan Brennan
FORT CAMPBELL, Ky. — At first glance, Army electronic warfare may sound like a bunch of soldiers huddled around computers defeating hackers, but the truth is closer to the front lines and closer to science fiction than you may believe.
In the Army, the soldiers that perform the duties of electronic warfare are often influencing the battlefield from behind the scenes by interrupting enemy communication and defeating radio detonated improvised explosive devices.
The “heat ray,” designed to be used as a non-lethal, crowd-dispersion tool and the “phasr,” a laser system introduced by the Air Force to temporarily blind an enemy are two devices which have recently been added to the electronic warfare arsenal.
The most widespread devices are those that interfere with communications, most notably the counter radio-controlled IED electronic warfare systems, which interfere with the enemy's ability to employ and detonate radio-controlled IEDs, said Wink.
In the 101st Combat Aviation Brigade, the electronic warfare mission must adjust to aviation.
“I am implementing a proactive system of employing electronic warfare assets on aircraft to assist the brigades on the ground,” said Wink. “I'm also responsible for educating ground commanders about the employment and requesting of EW assets on the battlefield.”
Despite the movement of the Army towards a more technologically capable force, electronic warfare soldiers still encounter resistance to their mission.
“Infantry guys have weapons that have a demonstrable effect on the target,” said Staff Sgt. Mariah Parks, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 101st CAB intelligence analyst. “Electronic warfare does not have an effect that can be immediately seen unless we employ lethal means. Electronic warfare is a preventative specialty, much like preventative medicine. Instead of attempting to keep soldiers from getting sick, we attempt to keep soldiers from getting blown up by enemy IEDs and keeping the enemy from being able to coordinate complex attacks.”
Because of their inability to show results like an enemy emplacement being blown up, it is difficult for some to see nothing happening as a measure of success.
“We have to wait for feedback from communications and intel sections that our effects have been observed,” said Wink. “A successful mission for us can sometimes be measured by the fact nothing bad happens on someone else' mission.”
Electronic warfare soldiers take the technology and go one step further by coming up with the basis for how the Army will bring age-old strategies of harrying enemies into the 21st century.
“We will be able to shape future training and employment of electronic warfare assets for a combat aviation brigade by analyzing how we employ electronic warfare assets during this [upcoming] deployment,” said Wink. “We will be ensuring electronic warfare training gets integrated into all levels of training. Researching potential EW threats and developing ways to mitigate electromagnetic threats are an essential part of electronic warfare’s mission success.”
Through education, integration and training, the electronic warfare section of the 101st CAB seeks to be at the forefront of developing the electronic warfare mission for the Army.
“I will be working to better integrate electronic warfare operations into the intelligence operations within the Destiny Brigade and setting the example for electronic warfare integration for our fellow brigades in the 101st Airborne Division,” said Parks.
At the end of the day, the soldiers executing the electronic warfare mission are taking new technologies and employing them to give front-line forces new tools and techniques to ensure mission success.