A combined Afghan and coalition security force discovered a drug cache and detained several suspects during an operation in Marjah district, Helmand province, Thursday. The cache consisted of approximately 4,732 pounds (2,151 kilograms) of opium and approximately 53 pounds (24 kilograms) of heroin. Security forces detained several suspects and destroyed a majority of the drugs on site without incident. The remaining drugs were confiscated to be used as evidence.
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In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout Afghanistan:
An Afghan and coalition security force captured a Taliban leader during an operation in Chahar Darah district, Kunduz province, Saturday. The leader directed the emplacement of roadside bombs and provided weapons and funds to the insurgents in the area.
In Zharay district, Kandahar province, Afghan and coalition security forces conducted an operation in search of a Taliban leader Saturday. The leader helps coordinate insurgent activities and provides logistical support to the Taliban between Kandahar City and the Herat area. The security force detained several suspected insurgents as a result of the operation.
A Combined Afghan and coalition security force captured an insurgent commander and two other suspected insurgents during an operation in Tarin Kot district, Uruzgan province, Thursday. One insurgent was an active commander and direct subordinate of a senior insurgent leader. He directed local-level insurgent operations and improvised explosive device attacks on coalition forces. He is also a known weapons dealer. The insurgent commander and the two suspected insurgents were taken for further questioning and processing. No civilians were harmed during the conduct of this operation.
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