"He which hath no stomach to this fight let him depart. But we in it shall be remembered. We few, we happy few, we band of brothers!! For he today, that sheds his blood with me, shall always be my brother.” (W.Shakespeare) Rest in peace my Brothers, you have not been forgotten.
REQUEST that all afford my Brothers a Moment of Silence each on Monday beginning 1:00 PM, Eastern Time. REQUEST that each Moment of Silence be dedicated each Monday to my Fallen Brothers in order of notification since prior Monday. 1PM Eastern is Kabul 22:30/10:30PM, Baghdad 20:00/8PM, London 18:00/6PM, San Diego 10AM. This time accommodates those in London, Baghdad & Kabul as well as Congress and across the United States.
- #MoS #MilitaryMon 1PM to 1:02 EDT: SGT #Bowe #Bergdahl, Kidnapped by Taliban, Two Minutes until he comes home #MIA #SOT #MoS
- #MoS #MilitaryMon 1:02-1:03 EDT: SGT Michael J Knapp, Overland Park, KS 05/18/12 Asadabad AFG 1-317th FAR 17th Fires BDE
- #MoS #MilitaryMon 1:03-1:04 EDT: SGT Jabraun S Knox, Fort Wayne, IN 05/18/12 Asadabad AFG 1-317th FAR 17th Fires BDE
- #MoS #MilitaryMon 1:04-1:05 EDT: SPC Samuel T Watts, Wheaton, IL 05/19/12 Zharay AFG 05/19/12 1-508th PIR 82nd ABN
- #MoS #MilitaryMon 1:05-1:06 EDT: CPT Jesse A Ozbat, Prince George, VA 05/20/12 Tarin Kowt AFG 168th BSB 214th Fires BDE
- #MoS #MilitaryMon 1:06-1:07 EDT: 2LT Tobias C Alexander, Lawton, OK 05/20/12 Tarin Kowt AFG 168th BSB 214th Fires BDE
- #MoS #MilitaryMon 1:07-1:08 EDT: SPC Aaronn D Fields, Terre Haute, IN 05/21/12 Qalah-ye Mirza Jal AFG 81st Troop Cmd
- #MoS #MilitaryMon 1:08-1:09 EDT: 2LT Travis A Morgado, San Jose, CA 05/23/12 Zharay AFG 5-20th Inf Rgt 2nd ID
- #MoS #MilitaryMon 1:09-1:10 EDT: PO1 Ryan J Wilson, Shasta, CA 05/20/12 BAHRAIN US Naval Forces CentCom
- #MoS #MilitaryMon 1:10-1:11 EDT: Cpl Keaton G Coffey, Boring, OR 05/24/12 Helmand AFG 1st LE Bn 1st MarHQ
- #MoS #MilitaryMon 1:11-1:12 EDT: PFC Cale C Miller, Overland Park, KS 05/24/12 Maiwand AFG 4-23rd Inf RGT 2nd ID
- #MoS #MilitaryMon 1:12-1:13 EDT: Snn Eric D Warren, Shawnee, OK 05/26/12 Helmand AFG 1-8 MarRgt 1st MarDiv
Republication WITHOUT attribution of Moments of Silence is encouraged. Tailoring quotes and tribute video is encouraged but not required, while it is requested that the times and names be maintained intact. Each moment is tailored to meet twitter norms and to be tweeted at that time, Each Monday, based on order of notification.