An Afghan led and coalition supported security force conducted an operation to capture a Taliban leader in Baghlan-e Jadid district, Baghlan province, Wednesday.
After the Afghan soldiers called for everyone to come out of the building, one armed insurgent remained inside with an AK-47. The security force entered the building and when the insurgent attempted to fire on them, the attacker was engaged and killed.
The security force seized multiple AK-47s, several magazines with ammunition, multiple grenades and multiple rocket-propelled grenades in the compound. Multiple additional insurgents were also detained as a result of this operation.
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In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout Afghanistan:
In Panjwa’i district, Kandahar province, an Afghan and coalition security force detained a Taliban leader during an operation Wednesday. The leader directed roadside bombings and other attacks against Afghan and coalition security forces throughout the district. During the operation, the security force detained multiple insurgents and confiscated bomb making materials.
An Afghan and coalition security force conducted an operation to detain a Taliban leader in Nad ‘Ali district, Helmand province, Wednesday. The leader plans and coordinates roadside bombings, suicide attacks and other operations against Afghan and coalition security forces in Helmand province. He also attempts to implement Taliban law on Afghan civilians in Musa Qal’ah, Now Zad and Baghran districts. The security force detained several suspected insurgents as a result of this operation.
An Afghan and coalition security force captured a Taliban leader during an operation in Gelan district, Ghazni province, Wednesday. The leader conducted roadside bomb attacks against Afghan civilians, Afghan National Security Forces and coalition troops along Highway 1. One additional insurgent was also detained.
In Muhammad Aghah district, Logar province, an Afghan and coalition security force conducted an operation to capture a Haqqani facilitator Wednesday. The facilitator provides weapons, ammunition and equipment to insurgents for attacks against Afghan officials, Afghan troops, and coalition troops in Kabul City. The security force detained multiple suspected insurgents as well as a manual for constructing improvised explosive devices.
An Afghan and coalition security force conducted an operation to capture a Haqqani facilitator in Sabari district, Khost province, Wednesday. The facilitator provides weapons, ammunition and improvised explosive device materials to insurgents for attacks against Afghan and coalition security forces throughout the province. The security force detained multiple suspected insurgents and seized several weapons and a grenade as a result of this operation.
Finally, in Ab Band district, Ghazni province, an Afghan and coalition security force discovered a weapons cache during a routine patrol Tuesday. The cache consisted of approximately 2,035 pounds (925 kilograms) of homemade explosive materials and multiple improvised explosive device-making components. The security force destroyed the cache on-site without incident.
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