Afghan and coalition forces conducted a security operation to detain two Taliban leaders in Wali Muhammad Shahid Khugyani district, Ghazni province, Tuesday.
One was the senior Taliban leader in Wali Muhammad Shahid Khugyani and Ghazni districts. He led an improvised explosive device cell and conducted multiple attacks against coalition and Afghan security forces throughout the region.
The second Taliban leader directed the placement of IED’s against coalition and Afghan forces throughout the district.
During the operation the security force requested a precision airstrike.
After the operation, the security force conducted a follow-on assessment of the area and confirmed both Taliban leaders had been killed, but no civilians had been injured and no civilian property had been damaged.
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In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout Afghanistan:
An Afghan-led security force, supported by coalition troops, detained a Taliban leader in Kandahar district, Kandahar province, Wednesday. The leader directed the placement of improvised explosive devices and coordinated the delivery of weapons and explosives to insurgents throughout the district. During the operation, the security force detained multiple suspected insurgents and confiscated several AK-47’s and other weapons.
In Zharay district, Kandahar province, an Afghan and coalition security force detained a Taliban leader Wednesday. The leader was responsible for multiple attacks against Afghan and coalition forces and transported explosives and weapons to other insurgents throughout the province. During the operation, the security force detained two suspected insurgents.
An Afghan and coalition security force conducted an operation to detain a Haqqani leader in Khost district, Khost province, Wednesday. The Haqqani leader is suspected of planning the attack against Forward Operating Base Salerno on June 1. He is also an explosives expert suspected of building the vehicle born improvised explosive device the insurgents detonated at the Salerno gate. During the operation, the security forces detained multiple suspected insurgents.
In Waygal district, Nuristan province, Afghan and coalition forces conducted a security operation Tuesday. During the operation, the security force was attacked by insurgents. The security force returned fire and requested a precision airstrike. After the operation, the security force conducted a follow-on assessment of the area and confirmed several insurgents had been killed, but no civilians had been injured and there had been no damage to civilian property.
An Afghan and coalition security force conducted an operation to detain a Haqqani leader in Pul-e ‘Alam district, Logar province, Wednesday. The leader supplies insurgents with weapons and executes attacks against Afghan and coalition security forces throughout the district. During the operation, the security force detained multiple suspected insurgents.
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