Kenyan police say Aboud Rogo Mohammed was shot dead Monday in the port city of Mombasa. Initial reports say the gunmen attacked the cleric as he was driving a vehicle carrying his wife and family.
Aboud Rogo Mohammed was placed on a U.S. sanctions list last month for recruiting fighters and raising money for al-Shabab.
The U.N. Security Council placed its own travel ban and assets freeze on the cleric, saying he used an extremist group, Al Hijra, as a way of recruiting Swahili-speaking Africans to fight in Somalia.
Al-Shabab is fighting to overthrow Somalia's U.N.-backed government. The terrorist group is known to have supporters in Kenya, which has a large Somali immigrant community.
Kenyan forces entered Somalia last October to fight al-Shabab, and have since joined the African Union peacekeeping force in the country. VoA.