The latest U.S. jobs report shows the country, for the first time, now has more people employed than when President Barack Obama took office in January, 2009.
The latest Labor Department figures issued Friday counters one of Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney's key talking points – that the nation has lost hundreds of thousands of jobs since the president took office and counter an Obama claim that he has added millions of jobs. Meanwhile, during the same period of time, Millions of Americans were added to those seeking work, and millions have given up finding work, reducing the official unemployment rate.
Mr. Romney was campaigning in the political battleground state of Pennsylvania Friday as news that revised labor figures indicate that while 13 million workers are unemployed, U.S. employers have added almost 400,000 more jobs during the 12 months ending in March than previously estimated. The unemployment figures do not include more than 7 Million Americans who want work as of August of 2012 but had not filed an application in the previous 4 weeks, or more than 88 Million Americans that are of working age but not employed.
That means the overall number of jobs in the U.S. labor market is now 125,000 higher than when Mr. Obama came into office, and that the jobs created since then offset those lost during his term. VoA.
There are 8.8 Million more in the US Labor Market (working age Americans) in July 2012 versus January 2009. (243,566,000 in 2012 versus 234,832,000 in January 2009.) According to the BLS, only 142,101,000 Americans are working, or 58.3%.