Often, I cringe when well-meaning individuals take liberties with the US Flag, the living embodiment of the US Constitution, that they shouldn't. Too often, politicians wrap themselves in the flag, as a means to get elected while working to undermine the Constitution they swear to protect. This is beyond the pale.
On Wednesday, the Obama Campaign began marketing a desecration of the US Flag, that replaces the Union with the pepsi symbol of Obama. It turns the stripes into what appears to be bloody smears, as noted by Twitter user @ChicGirl427, to be reminiscent of the aftermath of the 9/11 attack on the US Consulate in Benghazi, Libya.
Evidently, the Obama Campaign has reacted to the backlash, and removed the offense from its campaign site, but mea culpa is insufficient in such a grave error of hubris. There is NO excuse for an individual who thinks he should be retained as the presider over the Federal Government, a servant of the Amercian Citizenry, to desecrate the living embodiment of the US Constitution, and particularly not with his own personal emblem.
This politician doesn't seem to have any respect for the US Constitution, for the Bill of Rights, or for the US Flag that represents them, and this is simply a visible symbol of that. He has sought to suppress the 1st Amendment with "Hate Speech" legislation, with the forcible denial of religious beliefs, and the internment and expulsion of US Marines who speak out against him.
He has sought to deny the 4th and 5th Amendment with unlawful searches, sexual assaults, at airports, with the execution of American Citizens abroad without due process of law.
He has sent his emmisaries, namely Leon Panetta, to tell the Senate that he will not seek a Declaration of War when executing the same, nor request their permission, nor even tell them if he alone decides to commit Our Troops to war.
He has determined that he can rule by Executive Order alone, despite the US Constitution.
He swore to uphold the US Constitution, but has worked to subvert it. It does not surprise me that he hubristically believes he can desecrate the living embodiment of it. He did not place his hand over his heart in 2008, during the Pledge of Allegiance or the National Anthem, until it appeared that would undermine his rise to power. It does not surprise me that he has removed the offense from his site, though it astounds me that he thought he could get away with it.
Yeah, it chaps my a**. And it should every American. It won't, but it should. Too many of his supporters believe it is just a piece of cloth. Too many of his supporters have not risked all for the Freedoms and Rights it guarantees. Too many of his supporters do not understand why the Founders wrote the Constitution as they did, or why that is as important today as it was when they wrote those words.