Recruiting. All four active services met or exceeded their numerical accession goals for fiscal 2012, through August.
- Army - 51,333 accessions, with a goal of 51,889; 100 percent (minus)
- Navy - 33,579 accessions, with a goal of 33,035; 102 percent
- Marine Corps - 31,996 accessions, with a goal of 31,681 100 percent
- Air Force - 26,738 accessions, with a goal of 26,738; 100 percent
Retention. The Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force all exhibited strong retention through the eleventh month of fiscal 2012.
Recruiting. Five of the six reserve components met or exceeded their numerical accession goals for fiscal 2012, through August. The Army Reserve is down 567 for the year; this was intentional as they work to rebalance the force.
- Army National Guard - 44,067 accessions, with a goal of 42,503; 104 percent
- Army Reserve - 23,783 accessions, with a goal of 24,350; 98 percent
- Navy Reserve - 7,471 accessions, with a goal of 7,471; 100 percent
- Marine Corps Reserve - 8,606 accessions, with a goal of 8,423; 102 percent
- Air National Guard - 8,294 accessions, with a goal of 7,753; 107 percent
- Air Force Reserve - 7,839 accessions, with a goal of 7,839; 100 percent
Attrition - All reserve components are on target to achieve their fiscal year attrition goals.