During a two week period, recently, Iran executed up to 80 of its people, according to UN Special Correspondent Achmed Shaheed. While that marks an increase, Iran was already on a killing spree of its people in the current year, which began in March, with 344 executions.
In 2011, it ranked highest in the world for executions per capita with 670. Iran executions include "convictions" for adultery, homosexuality, drug-trafficking, and anti-government activities.
Additionally, Iran maintains the Evin prison in northern Iran, strictly for political prisoners, including those who have received International recognition for their works. It maintains torture and beatings as a normal part of its police enforcement activities, but denies the beatings were the reason for the recent death of a blogger its Internet Police, the FATA had in its custody. It admits that he was beaten, but says there was not the reason he died.