The leader acted as a Taliban liaison with senior Haqqani leaders in the province and oversaw the purchase and storage of rocket-propelled grenades and other weapons and ammunition. He also facilitated the movement of suicide bombers in Kabul and was planning an attack at the time of his arrest.
The security force also detained several suspected insurgents and seized multiple grenades, weapons, and a quantity of ammunition.
In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout Afghanistan:
An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a local Taliban leader in Nahr-e Saraj district, Helmand province, today. The leader planned and directed suicide attacks against Afghan and coalition forces and coordinated the movement of materials used to build suicide vests. He also provided direct financial support to the Taliban.
Afghan and coalition forces killed six insurgents, detained one, and located two weapons caches during operations in eastern Afghanistan throughout the past 24 hours, Jan. 19.
Nangarhar Province
Afghan Border Police killed six insurgents during an engagement in Achin District.
Khowst Province
Afghan Uniform Police and coalition forces discovered a cache in Spera District. The cache contained mortar rounds and rocket propelled grenades.
Paktya Province
Afghan and coalition forces detained one insurgent in Zormat District. The suspected insurgent was transferred to a base for questioning.
Afghan National Army soldiers and coalition forces discovered a cache in Dzadran District. The cache contained a mortar round and a rifle.
Operations in RC-East are ongoing.