“In The Fight” is an award winning monthly half-hour program. Footage is captured by active and deployed service members. These brave men and women share their missions, training, battles, victories and loss from their perspective as they continue to fight and serve in the United States Military. These often untold stories bring new light to the frontlines of war.
Here is one such episode. Footage is captured by the active duty and deployed service members. Enjoy this episode then read below for more information on how to locate and watch more episodes of "In The Fight."
For a peak at a remote Marine Outpost be sure to watch closely starting at 12:47 minutes into the clip.
This edition features stories on Marines in the Helmand province pushing out the
Taliban, NATO forces adapting to inventive attacks from their enemies, one unit
of Marines ending their tour in Afghanistan, celebrities entertaining the troops
as part of the USO tour, and a husband and wife who both serve as Apache
helicopter pilots. Presented in anamorphic 16:9 format.
Read more: http://www.dvidshub.net/video/78084/fight-episode-35#ixzz2bmIvxtsr
You can start back as far as the surge in Baghdad during Operation Iraqi Freedom or jump ahead to Operation Enduring Freedom in Afghanistan.
There are 77 episodes currently found here at DVIDS.
DVIDS’ program “In The Fight” is now available on the free, ad-supported Hulu and Hulu Plus subscription service.
Currently, 17 episodes of “In The Fight” can be found under the ‘Recently Added/ Shows’ section on Hulu and Hulu Plus. In the future, the program can easily be found by searching for “In The Fight” in the search field. New content will be updated monthly and interested Hulu Plus subscribers can set the show as a ‘favorite’ to automatically capture new releases.