One of the benefits of this site is that we can review books pertinent to our subject matter. Over time, we have reviewed several books dealing with wars present and past. Generally, we have added these to our sidebars, as we considered them to be pertinent to our readers that wished to gain insight into the lives of Warriors and the Current Conflicts, as well as History of Our Troops.
While it is beneficial to the welfare of this site to order through our links to these books, it is more important that our readers are able to find the resources to find the information they are seeking. But, it is time to re-organize how that information is found. Most of these books are
reviewed here.
Books about Warrior/Veteran Health (Mental and Physical):
Books about the Enemy (Al-Qaeda/Islamist Terrorism):
Books about Guantanamo Bay:
Books about the War in Afghanistan:
Books about the War in Iraq:
Books about the History of Afghanistan, Islam, & Iraq:
Books about War in General; History & Strategy:
Books about Viet Nam:
Books about World War II:
Go to War against the Nazis with SSG Smith of the 94th Infantry Division. Review:
This link will take you to the Store 1 for books, GPS (Garmin), & Cameras:
Ok, that link works, but be advised that to get to books, you have to go through the camera page and through the Garmin page, where you will find the books.
WOTN Store 2 has DVD's, US Flags & Blackberries (I love my blackberry!):
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