by Doc Bailey, The Madness of a Combat Medic
The day had already been busy, but it wasn't over. It was just gotten started.
But it was perhaps an hour or two before LT came in and gave us the mission brief. It took only a few minutes and it was mostly a formality. If there was one thing that 2nd platoon was good at, it was pulling shit out of our collective asses. However it was important that everyone know the route. In the past, people had been known to take the wrong road when everyone didn’t know the route (Jessica Lynch anybody?) The number of safe routes back to FOB Rustamiyah had significantly decreased since Craig had died. We wouldn’t go through the Mishtals, Fedalayah or most of the built up area between Rte Predators, and the Outer Berm Road.
Today we‘d be going through the “upscale“ part of Kamilayah, a less urban area where houses weren‘t jammed together in the crazy mish mash jig saw puzzle their architecture usually ended up becoming. It was a ½ Km section of almost rural houses set in a palm grove. Then we’d hop on outer Berm road, a raised up berm of a road, that straddled a river, before passing palm groves. The southern most end of outer berm road was usually not taken because of the IP checkpoints (a dead magnet for IEDs) and also, there were also a lot of places that insurgents had been spotted. We never went south of the old COP at the power station, but the week before we had made it all the way on outer berm to Pluto, so we’d try it again today. We thought, at the time, it was better than running Predators or through the Mishtals.
Once the briefing was over we got the order to mount up. I grabbed my bags. One 3 day assault pack, my big aid bag, and a laundry bag. I suppose that I pack a little heavy, but the Aid Bag I have is something I couldn’t get away without, and I couldn’t put all my entertainment stuff in the assault pack that was packed with all the clothes I needed for the rotation. I was going to be in 2-4, fourth vehicle in the convoy. Island would be the Driver, SGT “Old Balls” Johnson would be the TC, I was in the TC side dismount, and on the drivers side dismount was Bishop, Lewis was the Gunner.
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