The Results:
And Now For The Rest Of The Story.............
Overcoming Adversity: MSgt Jonathan White and the Team Semper Fi Fund effort
NAPA Comes Thru For MSgt. White - He Exceeded His Goal For The Marine Corps Marathon!!
The Marine Corps Marathon October 26, 2008
Marine Corps Marathon October 26, 2008 Updates
It has become a personal mission of mine to spotlight the personal mission of MSgt Jonathan White. He's a "common Marine" and a "common NCO" that exemplifies both.
MsMarti provides us her latest story here: When an NCO proves an Officer Wrong!
MsMarti reports on the Half Marathon MSgt White ran to remember the fallen of 10th Special Forces Group (Airborne):
He has overcome adversity and is demonstrating how far he will go to prove that: 26.2 miles in the Marine Corps Marathon on 26 October 2008, slightly more than 5 years after the doctors tried to tell him he would never walk again. He would avoid the spotlight on this, if it weren't for the fact that his personal challenge will bring assistance to OTHER Marines.
Though I've never spoken with or even emailed MSgt White, I know in him a kindred spirit. He is a TRUE NCO. When given a choice between doing for himself or doing for his Marines, even Marines he will never know, he chose the latter. When given the choice of a medical retirement or going to Iraq, he worked hard to get ready for deployment and went.
When asked of his challenges, he instead tells the challenges of other Marines. He doesn't want to tell his story. He doesn't want glory or limelight. He is reluctant to allow his story the light of day and does so for only one reason: It will help his Marines. The Marathon is for him. It's his personal challenge and he'd complete it with no acknowledgement that he once was condemned to life in a wheelchair, but he has recognized that by allowing the spotlight, he can achieve help for Injured Marines that are in need and for that he'll allow some light on his own story.
But it is said behind every great man is a great woman and who could be that great woman more completely than yet another Marine? With a struggle, MsMarti has been able to push Peg White into the spotlight. Peg is a former Woman Marine, current Mother and currently holds the hardest job in the Military: Wife and is training for her first Marathon.
MsMarti strapped Peg down in a dentist's chair and pulled the teeth of a great story. She did such a fine job that it ran as a series, completed on 16 June 2008. I was a tad nervous about it in the opening installment and waited impatiently each day for the next part of it. Each part better than the previous.
I'll continue telling this story, in different ways, until I can find that successful strategy. What is success? A story that is picked up by the National Press. A story that inspires 1000 people to donate $26.20 each. A story that helps a two true NCO's, two true Marines and the true Patriot endeared to them (MsMarti) achieve their goals of $26,200.00 in donations the Team Semper Fi Fund.
It would be great if we could find 100 wealthy people willing to donate 1k/mile or 100 well off people willing to donate $262/mile but we have to be realistic; this effort will most likely be funded mostly by the Military and our Veterans and we should be able to find 1000 Troops and Veterans willing to give $26.20 In the end, it is we who take care of our own and we are joined by the truly patriotic Americans that do so much to support us.
In that endeavor, I kindly request YOUR feedback. I can type all day long but I can not perceive the story as do you, the reader. Feedback can be given in the comments section or by emailing me at waronterrornews at live dot com. Tell me which story moves you most. Which story moved you to give $26.20 or more. Or why you don't think you should contribute $26.20 to the Marines who risked all and were injured providing your protection and freedoms.
As I wrote this, we had achieved only 9 definite contributors for a total of $800.00
Since then, we've doubled down but not yet achieved the goals. There are a few short days left. Though hundreds of millions have been donated to political campaigns, not even a few thousand have been donated to this great need.
And while it will bring me personal satisfaction to know his goals are achieved, it is MSgt Jonathan White that is doing the hard part, along with his wife who will go the distance with him.
Here are the Stories:
MSgt White Ran a Half Marathon with stong family participation in rememberance of fallen Special Forces Soldiers:
When an NCO Proves an Officer Wrong: MsMarti
The Determination of One Woman - Part 1 of 5 (Support Our Troops – Actively)
The Determination of One Woman - Part 2 of 5 (Support Our Troops – Actively)
The Determination of One Woman - Part 3 of 5 (Support Our Troops – Actively)
The Determination of One Woman - Part 4 of 5 (Support Our Troops – Actively)
The Determination of One Woman – Part 5 of 5 (Support Our Troops - Actively)
Running TO Live - Running for Others. (Support Our Troops – Actively)
The Opening Shock of Adversity: The Gratification of Perseverance (Hardened Warrior Series)
Team Semper Fi and the Semper Fi Fund (Support Our Troops - Actively, Veteran/Soldier Health)
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