So you were down at your favorite watering hole or social networking site and found a Super Trooper, Black Ops, US Coast Guard Special Forces Seal with battle scars from his days in Force Recon Rangers where he escaped capture from the Viet Namese during the Angolan War and Bay of Pigs. Aside from killing a company of Spetnatz with his bare hands, he also took out a Batallion of the Chinese Republican Guard in Syria and personally had OBL in his sights when Bill Clinton himself called him on his shoe phone to call off the hit.
His Three Medals of Honor, Five Navy Crosses, Six Distinguished Flying Crosses and combat promotion to General of the Army are all Super Top Secret Classified and even mentioning them outside of CIA headquarters puts him in jeopardy of extermination. Rambo One through Six were based on a few weeks of his life and Chuck Norris has dedicated his acting career to another tour of duty in his classified record.
It all sounds reasonable when combined with those scars on his wrists from the time Al-Qaeda had captured him while fighting the West Side Boys in Sierra Leone, but you're thinking that there must surely be a way that his medals could be verified and declassified and you are right.
When in doubt, the least bit of doubt, Verify! A good place to start is here: There are certain questions that can be asked that will immediately identify Real v. Fraud. If your suspected fraud gets angry that you're checking their story, it is near guaranteed they are a fraud. The Real ones will be glad to see you verify and they will know exactly when you are verifying. They casually ask the same questions of those they meet but don't recognize themselves.
There are no Medal of Honors that are classified. The youngest living Medal of Honor recipient (as of this writing) was earned during Viet Nam. It is even illegal for a Medal of Honor to be purchased. Only the recipients and their families are allowed to possess one. Every recipient ever to earn the Medal of Honor is listed at The list of Navy Crosses, DFC's, DSC's, and Silver Stars is less complete but many can be found here in the Hall of Heroes Category (current conflicts), in the Home of Heroes and the links therein.
There are however more frauds claiming to have earned the Medal of Honor than real ones. There are more fake Seals, more fake "Green Berets", more fake Rangers, and more fake Force Recon than real ones. It is however against the law to make false claims of or about Military Service. Ask Jessie MacBeth who did jail time for it.
But what got me riled up today on this front? An old fraud popped back up on my radar last night. It seems he didn't learn his lesson in the first go round, nor the second. The liar cannot help himself and he is a broken liar that uses stories of secret valor to lure in women. This time around, I will not "out" him publically. This time, as much as I desire to publically humiliate him, I'm letting the authorities nail his sorry butt to the wall of shame. Its been a hobby of mine for some time to call people out on such lies, but that's from before there was such a thing as the "Stolen Valor Act."
How do frauds get caught? People like you have questions, and ask the right people. They get caught because they are stupid. They get caught because they are more interested in being perceived as a hero than doing enough research to be able to portray themselves as one. They get caught because there are just too many things that people that have "been there done that" know that they don't talk about so they can nail imposters to the wall.
And yes, at least one person has gone to the "phonies list" to look for my name. Had I known his name, I'd have been there checking for his as well. But while I make few claims about my service here, those few I make are 100% true.
And just for the record, I ain't no Seal, not a Ranger, not Special Forces and not even Delta. I'm proud of my service record, but I just don't feel like trying to explain what it is, so like I've said before, if you need to assign me an MOS, you can think of me as a Clerk or a Cook, or whatever you like, even though you're probably wrong and even though Clerks and Cooks have their own very important role in the Success of this Nation. It's not that my record is classified, its just that I'm lazy and don't care for the interrogations that come with the misperceptions that come with the story.
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