The Groundtruth from a combat veteran, backed up by independent research and historical study. Information beneficial to the Troops. And a touch of objective politics, as it relates to the subjects at hand.
This site is unabashedly Pro-American and Pro-Military however none of the views expressed here are to be considered as endorsed, proposed, or supported by the Department of Defense or any other Agency, government, public, or private.
SSgt Workman is featured in the Hall of Heroes and a book review on this from Marine Till Death that read it as it was written: and links to prior articles.
Making light of a serious situation by the guys that earned the right to do so: Ranger Up!
H/T to This Ain't Hell, for posting some humor about the topic they take most seriously. Frankly, I needed some humor.
Stolen Valor is a widespread problem, as evidenced by the need to weed down the competitors in this year's competion over at This Ain't Hell. Ranger Up was able to deck out the star of their video to the point that even Jonn didn't think it possible anyone could be so stupid, but still the number of stupid fakers out there that could be that stupid made it possible, when the photo first surfaced.
By the way, Ranger Up has some of the best T-Shirt designs on the planet!
Brett Kimberlin, convicted serial bomber/terrorist has issued threats to a well known blogger sufficiently serious and believable that said blogger, Stacy McCain, has abandoned his home and gone into hiding to protect his family. The left wing terrorist doesn't seem to like that his past convictions and current left-wing benefactors were made public, again.
Kimberlin has been convicted of drug running and acts of terrorism, caught red-handed with timers and detonators for explosives as well as with 5 and a half tons of drugs on his family's property and in a trans-national shipment. He has been convicted on perjury charges as well. He was suspected in a murder case of a grandmother who was suspicious that her minor granddaughter was a victim in an illicit relationship with Kimberlin.
Some people "just don't get it." No matter what you say, how you say it, you're not going to get through their drug clouded mind what is and is not acceptable behavior. In this particular case, we're talking not just about a generation that grew up believing they were entitled to do whatever they want, and have responsibility for none of their own actions, but took that a step further and decided that their own lack of responsibility meant also that they could desecrate the very symbols of sacrifice others have paid in blood, sweat, and tears to provide them the prosperity and security to live their lives in Freedom. And when called on it, by those who are represented by that sacrifice, their response is: good, we wanted the publicity.
The group in question advocates for the legalization of pot. I'm not going to weigh into the merits of legalization vs. prohibition of marijuana. It is illegal, under current law, except in California, for "medical purposes." It is the right of every American to attempt to convince the rest of America or the states or their local governments that a law should or should not be enacted, including potheads.
"The PoW flag is not copyrighted and is open property. It is a gift for all Americans, to do with as they see fit."
Baltimore, Maryland - U.S. District Judge William D. Quarles, Jr. sentenced William G. Hillar, age 66, of Millersville, Maryland, today to 21 months in prison followed by three years of supervised release for wire fraud in connection with a scheme to lie about his military experience and academic credentials in order to gain employment for teaching and training. Judge Quarles also ordered Hillar to pay restitution of $171,415 and perform 500 community hours at the Maryland State Veterans Cemeteries.
The sentence was announced by United States Attorney for the District of Maryland Rod J. Rosenstein; Special Agent in Charge Richard A. McFeely of the Federal Bureau of Investigation; and Special Agent in Charge Robert Craig of the Defense Criminal Investigative Service - Mid-Atlantic Field Office.
"William G. Hillar claimed that he had earned praise as a hero, but the truth is that he deserves condemnation as a liar," said U.S. Attorney Rod J. Rosenstein. "He did not serve in the U.S. Army, did not receive military training in counter-terrorism and psychological warfare, and did not lose his daughter to sex traffickers. "
"Mr. Hillar's fraudulent representations came to the FBI's attention from concerned citizens, including former members of the Special Forces community. This investigation is an example of the difficulty the public faces trying to verify the accuracy of information on the Internet," said FBI Special Agent in Charge Richard A. McFeely.
Robert L. Deppe, served as Commander of VFW Post 2015 until just recently. However, he was in fact NOT a veteran at all, let alone a Vietnam Vet as he claimed. He was arrested earlier last month for suspicion of stealing money. This ain't Hell, a blog where folks like Deppe, who make false claims of valor, are hauled out into the open, has more.
Deppe had handed in a letter of resigination to VFW Post 2015 after the post requested authorization from Deppe regarding his official service record. Doubt began to surface regarding his having received a Bronze and Silver Star in Vietnam along with the Purple Heart as far back as 2005.
"We cannot find any record of him being in the military," said William Page, an infantryman who fought during the time that Deppe claimed to have fought. Using the Freedom of Information Act, the National Personnel Records Center was checked and no records were found for Robert L. Deppe.
Back in 2005, Page noticed some striking similarities to events that occurred when Page was serving in Vietnam and began checking into Deppe and his service record. Finding pieces of Page's military events and those from other veterans in Deppe's accounts didn't sit right. "I saw this story and I said, dang, this guy is talking just like me," said Page.
As to his Robert Deppe's claims of having earned the Silver and Bronze Star? The POW Network has proof of falsified documents, Deppe's arrest and more.
"He's just full of baloney," said William Page. Sadly, claims of false valor are all too common. "In the census 10 years ago, over 11 million men claimed to be [Vietnam] veterans when only 3 million served. It's rampant," he said.
We would hope and encourage that the Attorney's General Office of Conneticut pursue prosecution of the Stolen Valor Act against this contemptous career politician who has embellished his "record" in the pursuit of power and prestige not earned. There can be no doubt that his claims of Viet Nam Veteran status gained him votes in previous elections and there is little doubt that he has duped Veterans, Lawyers, and Voters into entrusting him when he is a liar.
Oh, but there will be die hard supporters that claim he didn't claim things he did not earn. There will be some that will claim that lying is the expected of politicians and the professional right of lawyers. There will be some that claim that a person has a "free speech right" to make up any lie they wish about their grand history. BS!
Lying is not protected speech. Hence there are laws against perjury, slander and libel. And to ensure that no one accuses of such, here is the politician/lawyer saying what is not true:
Given the deceitful methods of how he attained power, influence, and wealth, punitive measures need to be considered in removing the rewards of his crimes. Aside from prosecution for 1 year in jail and $10,000 fine, his ill-begotten riches should be given to Pro-Troop/Pro-Veteran Non-Partisan organizations such as the VFW, American Legion, Wounded Warriors, and Semper Fi Fund.
America lost a hero: Vernon Baker, Medal of Honor recipient. He led a long life after he proved his valor and heroism on the battlefield. A wife lost her hero, her husband, and a boy lost his hero, his grandfather. In death, they gave their hero, Our hero, back to Our Nation. They laid him to rest in Arlington, with other heroes, rather than near their home.
Spurned by the POTUS, who chose not to sit in the midst of the Great Men who have survived the battlefield and life while earning the hightest Medal for Battlefield Valor, during his inauguration, Vernon Baker will never again welcome in a new President. His last benefit, his last honor was that his survivors would be invited to the White House, after he was laid to rest. But that was not to be.
Mrs. Baker held the trusted task of caring for Our Hero, of loving him, of expressing the Nation's Gratitude to Vernon, on a daily basis. Vernon Pawlik, 10 years old, and Grandson to a Hero, wore a T-Shirt with a picture of Our Hero, and shorts. For that, these most important VIP's were denied entry, despite an invitation, in their moment of mourning. This is inexcusable, no matter how ignorant, no matter high or low the level of the bureacrat denying them, no matter if they try to make it up by a later invite.
The highest level of dignitary should have been notified upon arrival of this VIP family. They should have been greeted and treated with the greatest dignity the White House can muster, regardless of clothing. The clothes are nothing but an exterior covering of the people to be honored, one final time, in their loss.
We have less than 100 living Medal of Honor recipients and they are aging fast. Since Viet Nam, only one living person has been selected to receive it. Current Troops often think of it as a Medal earned only by dying. It is not too much to expect that the White House afford personal condolences to their families when they are laid to rest. And choosing Arlington rather than a local cemetary is choosing to share their Hero forever with the Nation. It is an act of selflessness. KTVB Reports:
We added the AP to our Wall of Shame here at War On Terror News when they published a picture of LCpl Bernard shortly after he died, against the expressed wishes of his family.
In her "moral dilemna" of choosing between attempting to save his life or capturing a potential Pulitzer Prize winning photograph of life seeping from a Hero's body, she chose her own glory and capturing images of the death she may have been able to help prevent, the death of a Marine who had helped keep her alive.
Shortly afterward, the Afghanistan regional command changed the rules that reporters and photographers are required to sign before being embedded with a unit. The amended rules stated: "Media will not be allowed to photograph or record video of U.S. personnel killed in action."
The AP photo was one factor in the change, said Maj. Virginia McCabe, a Bagram-based spokeswoman for Regional Command East.
Let me tell you, after reading what John Daniszewski, AP senior managing editor had to say,
When the persecuted become popular, frauds come out of the woodwork to capitalize on the compassion towards the victims. As fakes note the adulation heaped on heroes, they often weave tales spawned of Hollywood hype without the benefit of half-interested research or any experience more than some cursory information.
After a brief history, I'll point you to how to check out your War Storyteller. How to find out if he's really a Force Recon, Special Forces Seal Sniper or just a wannabe clerk kicked out for missing formations and mental illness.
By Linda D. Kozaryn, American Forces Press Service
WASHINGTON, March 26, 2009 – Richard Lyons and his wife Debbie Frederick have a new job they're proud to perform -- bringing honor and respect to the troops who never returned from the Vietnam War.
Wearing his Marine cap from his Vietnam days, Richard Lyons talks to Marines at an unveiling ceremony for a traveling exhibit that replicates what a future underground education center will display when it's built on the National Mall. Lyons will drive the tractor trailer carrying a half-sized Vietnam Memorial and the newly designed exhibit throughout the country. DoD photo by Linda D. Kozaryn (Click photo for screen-resolution image);high-resolution image available.
After years of driving commercial trucks hauling mainly Humvees and other military equipment, the couple soon will hit the road driving a 14-wheel tractor trailer carrying the "The Wall That Heals" to cities and towns across the nation.
The exhibition features a half-scale replica of the Vietnam Memorial, located here, which bears the names of 58,260 names of the fallen and missing. Since it was inaugurated in 1996, millions of people have seen the exhibit in nearly 300 cities and towns throughout the United States.
The trailer hauling the wall has been refurbished and the eight large display windows have been redesigned to feature photos of fallen Vietnam vets and mementos left by visitors to the Vietnam Memorial. The display replicates what will appear in The Education Center at the Wall: America's Legacy of Service, a facility being built on the National Mall.
"When I left Vietnam I left a lot of good brothers behind," Lyons said today following an unveiling
AP "Photo Journalist" Julie Jacobson (left) is the one that took the picture of LCpl Bernard in his moment of ultimate sacrifice for Democracy, Freedom, and defense of citizens unable to defend themselves. Her life has been protected by the very same Marines and Troops, "so she could do her job" while she was snapping this picture of this Marine's sacrifice.
In her "moral dilemna" of choosing between attempting to save his life or capturing a potential Pulitzer Prize winning photograph of life seeping from a Hero's body, she chose her own glory and capturing images of the death she may have been able to help prevent, the death of a Marine who had helped keep her alive.
Thomas A. Curley (right) is the Associated Press Chief Executive Officer who made the final decision to publish the picture despite the wishes of the family. Before heading up the AP (since 2003), he ran USA Today, a Gannett owned newspaper, taking over from his brother John in 1998.
He has Bachelor's Degree in political science from LaSalle University (1970) in Philadelphia and an MBA from the Rochester Institute of Technology(1977). He was born on 6 July 1948 in Easton, PA.
The following advisory has been provided by Agent Hohan with request to disseminate to Community.
SUBJECT: Ronald Alan Bryant,
White male, 6'2", Dob: June 9, 1966,
Florida DL B653-721-66-209-0 (Revoked)
The above subject is posing as a Command Sergeant Major from both 3rd and 7th groups. He has assumed the identity of an active SGM with a similar name in 3rd Group. He travels between the Los Angeles area and Fayetteville (Fort Bragg). The subject has appeared around Ft. Stewart, Ft. Benning,
Ft. Campbell, San Diego, Miramar Naval Bases, Eglin, MacDill and Los Angeles Air Force Bases. Subject is a prior service E-4 and 100% DAV. This allows him access to military installations.
In Fayetteville/Spring Lake/Ft Bragg, NC he has been known to frequent Charlie Mikes, Legends, FUBAR, and the GB Club.
VEHICLE: 1995 White Ford Bronco expired Florida DAV Plates.
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Go to War against the Nazis with SSG Smith of the 94th Infantry Division. Review:
Ace Of Spades: Why Language Matters In this article, Ace of Spades demonstrates how the writing style of "journalists" and other writers is purposely used to influence the electorate. He explains this far better than I have been able to do, but this is the foundation of why I could no longer be silent.
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