Remember the outrage when Napolitano's Government Agents were ordered to sexually assault airline travelers? One man got his 15 minutes of fame when he voiced what we (most of us) all wanted to scream: "Don't touch my junk!" Remember the Thanksgiving Day call to protest? Travelers were bid to request agents to massage their genitals rather than remotely view their pornographic images.
The groping and pornographing of US citizens is no more effective nor Constitutional today than it was in November 2010.
In response, the Napolitano and DNC apologists suggested we Americans would simply get used to accepting pornography and sexual assault as the cost of air travel. The said they would stubbornly maintain their right to grope us. Personally, I expected the outrage over crimes committed by government agents could not suffer an enduring practice of the crimes. I expected that the government elitists would realize the error of their ways, even if only because of the outrage.
The question of what form of protest would be effective in reversing the practice produced few viable options. Those with the loudest voices sought exemptions from the new rules, and got them, while demonstrating that they really could care less about the common man and perhaps envying the TSA agents their view of cheerleaders and aspiring models. In the end, Gloria Allred and Janet Napolitano were correct: Americans got used to being sexually assaulted by the government.
In the case of TSA groping, there is one means of protest that exceeds all others to have an effect: the 1st Amendment. Simply, we have to continue to voice our dissent to government abuse of the 4th Amendment: Unlawful Search and Seizure. There are other means of protest which will be more glamorous or more appealing, but speaking out loudly is the most effective, in this case.
Groups that oppose metal detectors at schools have stood silent on invasive searches. Astounding that they would oppose the detection of knives and guns, metals one might have on their person, while standing mute when the government gropes and views naked pictures of citizens, including those same kids.
More than one individual has, for example, stripped down to minimum clothing, whether underwear or swimwear while going through airport security. Some have even videotaped their actions. A group of Germans went nude. TSA reaction was as idiotic, as their current policies are illegal, in response. They ordered the protestors to put their clothes back on so they could be groped like everyone else.
A natural reaction/protest would be to boycott air travel. In normal times, this might have the desired effect. In current times, there has certainly been a bit of this reaction. I have personally not flown at all since this policy went into effect. I know several people who are avoiding air travel because of the policy. The alternatives to air travel are simply not always viable. And unfortunately, it plays into the stated policy goals of the current administration.
The boycott of air travel would normally work as it would put a crunch on airline finances and those CEO's would then use their campaign donation dollars to pressure the White House to revoke the policies. This administration however wants to decrease air travel. They want to push for funding of other travel. A boycott of air travel in favor of bus and train travel would therefore play into their hands.
On the other hand, they also want to decrease car travel. Hence, I'll be traveling by car rather than air, whenever possible. There are some downsides to this but also some upsides. First off, it has been more effective/efficient for a decade when traveling less than 4 hours away. It takes that long just to get through the airports. A 4 hour trip is about the same cost whether by air or car, but one then does not have to rely on someone else to pick them up at the other end, nor need rent a car.
For distant travel, coast to coast or perhaps 1000 miles distance, air travel can be more efficient use of time and money, but still car travel will now be my preferred method. It will put more money in the government coffers through fuel taxes, but I won't be groped or pornographed. Coming up will be a 2000 mile trip. Bite me Al Gore and Napolitano, but you won't be touching my junk. I think I may even cut down a tree too.
Those airport videos? Keep 'em coming. Somehow, I think TSA is clamping down on them, but where there's a will there's a way.
Write your Congressmen. They may have received an exemption, but if they receive enough letters, they'll put some pressure on the administration to change this. Politicians react to emotional outrage. They may not have any current collateral in changing the rules, but Congress has the authority to enact legislation against this policy. They've previously written the administration a blank check to do as it sees fit, but they can change the authority given the administration in this specific outrage. At a minimum, it will put politicians on record as supporting or opposing the groping of Americans, but it's going to take voter momentum to overcome the current acceptance of illegal activity.
Formal Complaints: Every government agency has a means of filing a complaint. When the agents of government grope you, file a complaint. Get it on the record. For this to be effective, it will take numerous complaints. Keep a copy. Include it in those letters to your Congressmen.
Use your platform: If you have a blog, write about these abuses. Make suggestions to your readers. Keep it in the spotlight and revisit the ones still occuring, like this issue. Whether you have a blog or not, use CNN iReport and other services to keep attention on these abuses of government.
The Military stresses that when one makes a complaint, they also present a solution. As such, I'll point out a few more effective means that cost less that would make air travel more secure and not be criminal.
Dogs: We could put a bomb sniffing AND a drug sniffing dog at every security point for less than the cost of a machine in the same location. At a training cost of $40k each, even the manpower requirements are less than manning the remote viewing area. The effective life of each dog exceeds the technological effectiveness of the machine. Dogs have a psychological as well as olfactory deterrence.
Explosives detection paper: An agent only needs to swab the hands of a traveler and it changes color if exposed to explosives. This was used in the immediate aftermath of 9/11 when colleagues of mine had to explain that their military duties had put them in contact with the residue. This technology can be developed beyond the disposable version, but again, it should not be used for the sexual gratification of government agents. By this, I am specifically referring to agents in Tampa that like to select out women in skirts for a procedure that causes the dress to blow up around their necks.
Israeli style conversations: Israeli air travel has long been the most targeted for terrorists. Napolitano recently saw it first hand and her excuse that we have more travelers fell flat on its face. We have more airports with fewer travelers each. Their system works at not just eliminating explosives but also boxcutter wielding terrorists.
Profiling: While it is true that Islamists have successfully recruited blond haired, blue eyed leftists, the average terrorist, even the "lone wolf" inspired by the formerly "moderate" al-Awlaki is not a 90 year old American grandma nor a 9 year old. Napolitano has demonstrated no aversion to profiling those with Gadsden Flags, Southern Heritage, or Veteran Status. We don't need to grope Grandma in order to have an excuse to more closely look at Islamists. It is more likely that a burkha clad individual would be a threat than the blond kid flying with or even without their parents.
Let's remember: The average TSA agent is implementing the policies of the administration. They don't necessarily like what they're doing, but when the elitists on top tell them that its legal and necessary, they are forced to accept that the lawyers know what they're talking about. Hold the administration accountable.
But if we continue to accept that private pornography of cheerleaders by government agents and the groping of 9 year olds is the cost of being an American, we will continue to be sexually assaulted by the government. We must continue to speak out against these un-Constitutional abuses, even if there are other issues that also deserve our attention.
I plan to bring up other issues that the news cycle has forgotten, because we can't simply allow tolerance to abuse continue, just because new abuses have taken the spotlight. This is an issue that I did not expect to last this long. I really expected the Administration to realize the error of its ways. I really expected citizen outrage to have a greater impact, and last longer than a week.
None of the terrorist attempts would have been averted by the current groping and pornography policies of the TSA. TSA is not installing these practices in Africa or Arabia where these threats originate. But if the Airport Security of Jordan, Iraq, India, Afghanistan, and Israel can prevent hi-jackings without groping, surely the United States can do so as well. They have far more terrorist residents and attacks than do we.
Speak out! It's a right granted by the Creator, guaranteed by the Constitution, and defended by you doing so. The internet makes it more possible than ever before.